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KMBA 711 Organisation Strategic Context

Week 1 Collaboration: Organizational structure analysis
Having reviewed various analytical frameworks from the literature, you will complete an analysis of an organisational structure, then through this week’s Collaboration consider how such analysis may help you in understanding organisational design. Consider and reflect upon the perspectives of your colleagues having read about their personal experiences contrasting them with your own.
In this first Collaboration you will analyse and discuss the structure of an organisation you are currently involved with in the light of the analytical frameworks introduced. The emphasis of this week’s Collaboration lies not on your technical ability to apply the frameworks, but upon your critical engagement with the underlying organisational theory. It is important that you highlight how these tools may help to identify organizational direction in your particular context.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Collaboration assessment criteria
Read Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014) chapters 1-4 along with Nadler and Tushman’s (1999) article on strategic imperatives and core competencies.
Complete an analysis of the structure of your present organisation, one in which you have previously worked, or one which you are familiar with, in terms of the four structural dimensions and five contextual dimensions described by Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014) in this week’s readings.
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Week 1 Module Project: First submission: proposal
Introducing and researching the organisation that you will analyse over the coming weeks.
In each module of this programme, you will complete a Module Project. The purpose of the Module Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module to the analysis of real-world situations or problems, and to critically evaluate different approaches to addressing such problems. Having already completed the ‘Being a Leader’ module, you are familiar with the module-long project.
You will complete this Module Project in four submissions:
A draft proposal, due in Week 1 (this week);
An organisational analysis, due in Week 3;
A critical literature review, due in Week 5;
A final business report, due in Week 7
Imagine you are a well-known or respected business consultant hired to restructure a multinational organisation of your choice. Your Module Project will be to propose a new design and approach to restructuring that would make the organisation more efficient and competitive in the industry.
To prepare for this Module Project submission:
Review this week’s readings on strategic imperatives, organisational design and organisational structure.
Review the scenario and decide what organisation you would like to restructure. To ensure you can access all necessary information, use an organisation you know well or one for which you can get detailed information.
To complete this Module Project Submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit an approximately 300 to 500-word proposal in which you:
State and introduce the organisation that you propose to restructure and the motives behind your choice. What makes the organisation a good candidate for reorganising?
Conduct an initial research for primary and secondary sources, and submit an initial list of at least 2-3 resources which you will use to inform the restructuring of the organisation. Examples of resources include scholarly articles on the industry or the organisation, business reports, relevant websites, organisational charts, organisational structure articles and books, access to members of the organisation whom you are able to interview, etc. This is to ensure you have access to enough information about the organisation to develop a substantive analysis, literature review, and final report.
Submit your Module Project proposal to Turnitin.
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Week 2 Collaboration (2-Weeks): Environment analysis
In this first part of a Collaboration taking place over two weeks, you will select a multinational organisation and complete an analysis of the industry in which it operates, using an analytical framework of your choice. Last week, you focused on the internal structures of organisations, and in this week’s Collaboration you will consider the impact of how these internal structures are affected by the external environment. You will practice deconstructing organisational environments to see how organisational models help managers understand the real world. Furthermore, you will try to tease out the strengths and weaknesses of different analytical frameworks. You will analyse a multinational organisation of your choice in the context of its industry. Consider the most current and emergent forces that could be exploited for organisational change as a part of a new organisational strategy.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Select an organisation from the top 50 on the Fortune 500 list
Review Porter’s (2008/1979) and Daft, Murphy & Willmott’s (2014, chapter 5) analytical frameworks.
Read Grundy (2006) on Michael Porter’s Five Forces model and Banham (2010) on external environment analysis.
Complete an analysis of the industry in which the organisation operates, using an analytical framework of your choice.
Note: In this module, we introduce Porter’s 5 Forces Model, Daft, Murphy & Willmott’s (2014) Environmental Uncertainty Analysis (p.162), and the 10 Sector Analysis (p.147). However, you may use any environmental analysis framework for this assignment if you wish. It can be one you have used in past, or one that you discover via your own research.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300 to 500 words:
Outline your analysis of the organisation.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
Compare and contrast the results of your analysis with that of your colleagues.
Share additional information, extended analyses, and visuals.
Raise insightful questions.
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For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 2 Personal Development Plan: First submission: content alignment
Reflecting upon how the module may help you in advancing your personal development, focusing on topics of particular interest to you.
The PDP is an important part of your MBA program. Its purpose is to relate the academic content of the module to your personal and professional goals.
To complete this PDP:
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Review the module’s content along with your PDP. Then prepare a brief submission (~500 words) about how the module content will help you advance your personal development, focusing on topics of particular interest to you.
For this module, recommended focus areas include:
Aligning organisational structure and design with strategy
Creating, structuring and leading teams within organisations
Leveraging diversity and stakeholders approach for organisational effectiveness
Submit your PDP to Turnitin.
This PDP submission is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 2 Personal Development Plan.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 3 Collaboration
Collaboration (2-Weeks): Environment analysis (continued)
In this second part of a Collaboration taking place over two weeks, you and your colleagues will compare and contrast the analytical frameworks/models used for analysis. This will inform your Individual Summary where you will reflect upon your learning during this Collaboration.
Last week, you compared the results of your analyses with your colleagues. This week, you will continue to participate in last week’s Collaboration by engaging in a discussion comparing the various environmental analysis frameworks themselves.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review your colleagues posts, particularly consider the various analytical frameworks/models used.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Monday (Day 5)
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
Compare the frameworks/ models you used for your analysis with that of your colleagues in the light of the results.
What are the respective key properties of the different frameworks? What are their cons and pros?
Raise insightful questions.
Offer support and evidence based upon literature and/or your prior experience.
Extend the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Model and/or promote critical reflection.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
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By Wednesday (Day 7)
For your Individual Summary post a maximum 250-words of what you have learned from this Collaboration, addressing the following questions:
What are the benefits and challenges of environmental analysis?
Which model/frameworks seemed to be the most useful, and why?
How can organisational leaders use knowledge of the external environment to maximise their organisation’s ability to achieve strategic goals?
Submit your Individual Summary to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 3 Collaboration Forum" link.
To submit your Individual Summary to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 03 Collaboration Individual Summary -- Turnitin.
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Week 3 Module Project: Second submission: organisational analysis
Analysing your chosen organisation’s internal structure and its external environment using the frameworks you have encountered so far.
Disruptive change (Daft, Murphy & Willmott, 2014, p. 419) is characterised by a shift in the underlying forces of an industry segment. It is the type of change that affects the entire value network. You have seen examples of industry disruption in information technologies, telecommunications, retailing and pharmaceuticals to name a few. Environmental analysis tools can help you focus on the dimensions that are likely to be influenced by disruptive changes.
This week’s Module Project submission is focused on analysing the organisation you selected in your proposal from Week 1. For the second Module Project submission, you will analyse the organisation’s internal structure and its external environment using the frameworks you have encountered so far (e.g. Daft, Murphy and Willmott’s structural dimensions, Porter’s five forces model, and Daft, Murphy & Willmott’s contingency framework).
To prepare for this Module Project submission:
Consider the strategic imperatives created in your chosen organisation’s industry by the environmental conditions you identify. Furthermore, consider the challenges these imperatives present for your organisation.
Review the Strategic Role of Change in Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014, p. 419). Pay special attention to disruptive change.

To complete this Module Project submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit an approximately 1,000-word analysis of the strategic imperatives present in your organisation’s industry resulting from environmental conditions.
Specifically address the following points:
Briefly describe a disruptive change your organisation could face and should therefore anticipate. 
Explain in detail two specific challenges that you will address in your redesign effort to improve your organisational sustainability and resilience in the face of disruptive change that specifically threatens your organisation's strategic imperatives.
Submit your Module Project organisational analysis to Turnitin.

For only $60, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 4 Collaboration (2-Weeks): Globalisation and organisations
 In this first part of a Collaboration taking place over two weeks, you will analyse the impact of globalisation on the organisation using the stakeholder's approach. For this Collaboration, you will use the same organisation chosen for your Week 2-3 Collaboration. You will analyse the impact of globalisation on the organisation using the stakeholder's approach.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Read Chapter 7 of Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014) textbook on globalisation, and review Chapter 2 on stakeholders.
Read Crilly and Sloan (2012) article touching on stakeholder's approach and Gulati, Puranam and Tushman (2012) article on meta-organisation design.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300 to 500 words:
Briefly review your assigned organisation’s primary stakeholders (internal and external), structure and complexity, and internal resources
Consider the intercultural diversity within the organisation and comment on the role that diversity might play in addressing stakeholders’ needs and securing organisational sustainability
Explain whether you believe the stakeholder approach is an effective tool to maintain competitive advantage in a global environment.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, posting and replying to each other’s posts.
Offer support and evidence based upon literature and/or your prior experience
Extend the discussion into new but relevant areas
Raise insightful questions
Model and/or promote critical reflection
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
Next week, you will continue to participate in this Collaboration by evaluating the strategies that leaders can use to form and lead teams, particularly in a multinational, multicultural and/or virtual organisation.
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Week 4 Personal Development Plan: Second submission: reflective paper

Reflecting upon your perspectives on organisational design based on your personal and professional experiences.
This week, you will write a critically reflective paper that will address your perspectives on organisational design based on your personal and professional experiences. Reflecting regularly on acquired knowledge is important in order to ensure you remain sharp and open to innovative ideas. To access full instructions and the weekly submission link click here.
Week 1 Collaboration: Organizational structure analysis
Having reviewed various analytical frameworks from the literature, you will complete an analysis of an organisational structure, then through this week’s Collaboration consider how such analysis may help you in understanding organisational design. Consider and reflect upon the perspectives of your colleagues having read about their personal experiences contrasting them with your own.
In this first Collaboration you will analyse and discuss the structure of an organisation you are currently involved with in the light of the analytical frameworks introduced. The emphasis of this week’s Collaboration lies not on your technical ability to apply the frameworks, but upon your critical engagement with the underlying organisational theory. It is important that you highlight how these tools may help to identify organizational direction in your particular context.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Collaboration assessment criteria
Read Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014) chapters 1-4 along with Nadler and Tushman’s (1999) article on strategic imperatives and core competencies.
Complete an analysis of the structure of your present organisation, one in which you have previously worked, or one which you are familiar with, in terms of the four structural dimensions and five contextual dimensions described by Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014) in this week’s readings.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 5 Module Project: Third submission: literature review
Conducting a literature review to inform your evidence-based plan for restructuring.
IIn this Module Project submission you will research relevant literature for the Module Project. Your task will be to review research from a range of scholarly articles that relate to organisational structure design. This is an opportunity to support your work on the Module Project with further theoretical insight.

As you explored in the ‘Being a Leader’ module, a literature review is a discussion of the published information on your topic area. It is also a critical, evaluative synthesis, showing the relationships between various writings and how they relate to your own work. A literature review is not a simple summary of a series of articles. A good literature review will look at the available research and synthesise or pull together those elements that are similar or most pertinent to the theme you have chosen.

To prepare for this Module Project submission:

Using scholarly article databases (available via the University of Liverpool library), find research to support your plan to restructure your organisation. Articles may include analyses of specific aspects of organisational design, industry briefs and case studies on similar organisations.
To complete this Module Project submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit an approximately 750-word critical literature review in which you:
Succinctly summarise the ways in which the key ideas presented in the research you selected informs your restructuring efforts.
Submit your Module Project literature review to Turnitin.

For only $45, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 6 Collaboration (2-Weeks): Organizational life cycle
In this first part of a Collaboration taking place over two weeks, you will explore various controversies surrounding organisational design and strategy. Your readings raise a number of potentially controversial questions in organisation design and strategy, such as:
When is bigger better? When should organisations downsize or eliminate departments and functions? Is outsourcing a viable alternative?
Is bureaucracy 'bad'? When and how should organisations reduce or add managerial layers?
Can organizations be more agile, innovative or sustainable by design?
Can organizations compete and collaborate at the same time, and how does organizational design support or hinder this?
This week’s Collaboration asks you to explore these various questions associated with organisational life cycle.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Read chapter 12 of the Daft, Murphy and Willmott (2014) textbook and the following scholarly articles: Lozano (2013) on resistance to change and Reeves and Deimler (2011) on the new competitive advantage.
Watch the video in this week’s resources and try to establish your own perspective on the issue of size in organisational design.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300 to 500 words:
Choose one of the aforementioned controversies or another one that captures your interest and present your opinions on the subject.
Use evidence from personal experience and /or literature to support your arguments.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
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For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 6 Personal Development Plan: Third submission: peer- feedback
Reflecting upon areas for growth and development related to the module, and providing peer-feedback to your colleagues.
Use material from the reflective paper you wrote in Week 2 and write a brief (~500 words) post describing areas of your personal development related to the module on which you would like feedback from your peers. Review your colleague's post and respond to at least two of your colleagues with feedback and suggestions for addressing their identified areas for growth and development. Spread your responses amongst your colleagues’ posts.
This PDP submission is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To access full instructions and the weekly submission link, go back to Module Home
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Collaboration (2-Weeks): Organisational life cycle (continued)
In this second part of a Collaboration taking place over two weeks, you will reflect upon the various organisational design strategies presented, and the perspectives of your colleagues, to now consider how your own organisation has evolved over time and what changes will still be needed to stay competitive and committed to a better future. This will inform your Individual Summary where you will reflect upon your learning during this Collaboration.
This week, you will continue to participate in last week’s Collaboration by incorporating your perspectives on organisational change into the discussion about design controversies from last week.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Reflect on the various design options and underlying perspectives you have discovered so far.
Think about how your own organisation has evolved over time and what changes will still be needed to stay competitive and committed to a better future.
Read the Teece, et al. article ’Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management’.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Monday (Day 5)
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
How ‘dynamic capabilities’ discussed in Teece, et al. (1997) can help retain competitive advantage in the face of disruptive change.
Raise insightful questions.
Offer support and evidence based upon literature and/or your prior experience.
Extend the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Model and/or promote critical reflection.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
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By Wednesday (Day 7)
For your Individual Summary, post a maximum 250-words of what you have learned from this Collaboration.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 7 Collaboration Forum" link.
To submit your Individual Summary to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 07 Collaboration Individual Summary -- Turnitin.
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For only $15, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Individual Summary in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 7: Module Project: Final submission: business report
 Completing your evidence-based plan for restructuring via a final business report.
This week you will complete your work on the Module Project. The final submission should take the form of a 3,000- to 3,500-word Business Report to the organisation’s management team. A business report is a functional piece of writing usually written to communicate a recommendation for change with the appropriate rationale, illustrations and evidence.
Throughout this module, you have been designing a new structure for your chosen organisation in order to boost its competitiveness, sustainability and resilience. Your report must include your plan for restructuring the organisation, and the reasons why the areas you identified should be redesigned and restructured.
Some business reports can be as short as a single page and rather informal. Your report, however, will have 3,000-3,500 words and should be written in standard business English that favours ease of comprehension. Note that, in general, your sentences and paragraphs will be shorter compared to standard academic English. It is also perfectly acceptable to use bullet points in your business report to get your point across concisely; unlike in academic writing.
Use the research from your Week 5 literature review as well as the theoretical foundations of this module to strengthen your arguments and move beyond subjective opinions. You are also encouraged to support your arguments and analyses with visuals, such as charts and diagrams.
Business reports do not have a set number of sections, however make sure you do clearly delineate and label your sections with appropriate headings. As a guide, some sections that most reports tend to include are Executive Summary, Introduction, Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion.
Make your business report concise, to the point and convincing. Try to write with a specific audience in mind, and try as best as you can to generate a genuine buy-in. Finally, enjoy yourself.
To prepare for this Module Project submission:
Reflect on the feedback you received on the proposal you wrote in Week 1, the analysis from Week 3, and the literature review from Week 5.
Review the assessment criteria found in the Module Project grading rubric, accessible from the “Rubrics” button.
It is recommended you look over the Business Report Help Sheet from University of Melbourne.
To complete this Module Project submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit your approximately 3,000- to 3,500-word business report to the Turnitin link provided
For only $180, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
 Week 8 Collaboration: Your learning experience as a type of change
Having reflected upon various organisational structures throughout the module, how has your understanding of your own organisation changed?
Through this week’s Collaboration you will discuss the major design challenges facing your organisation, in particular how environmental complexity and disruption influences current design.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
You will think about your own organisation: one that you are currently working with, or one with which you are familiar with. This may or may not be the same organisation that you were re-designing for your Module Project.
Review your writings from past weeks and the faculty’s feedback.
Make sure to have read D’Aveni, Dagnino & Smith (2010) along with Eisenhardt (2002).
Watch the video from Matt Ferguson on re-evaluating your strategy.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300 to 500 words:
Consider major design challenges facing your organisation and how its environmental complexity and disruptive forces influence its current design.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting 3 to 5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Asking insightful questions.
Offering contributions based upon the literature and your prior experience.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 8 Collaboration Forum" link.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 08 Collaboration Initial Response -- Turnitin.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 8: Personal Development Plan: Final submission: reflective paper
Pulling together your PDP reflections from previous weeks to form a well-developed snapshot of your current plans and goals, such as ideas for future workplace and/or dissertation research. This week, you will complete your Personal Development Plan. The deliverable takes the form of an approximately 1,000-word reflection paper that updates and extends the personal development plan you have been developing over the course of this module. You will review and update your PDP to make it a well-developed snapshot of your current plans and goals such as ideas for future workplace research, problems you might want to pursue for your dissertation at the end of your MBA program, etc.
To complete this PDP:
Produce an approximately 1,000-word paper in which you:
Incorporate the feedback provided by your instructor throughout the module.
Incorporate the feedback provided by your colleagues in Week 6.
Revise your PDP based on this feedback, focusing on adjustments to your goals.
Revise your PDP based on the way your ideas and goals have developed.
Include a plan of action items that will help you accomplish your revised goals.
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Submit your final PDP reflective paper to Turnitin.
This assignment should be prepared and submitted to Turnitin using the Word (.doc or .docx) format no later than midnight your local time.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 8 Personal Development Plan.
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Our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

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