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KMBA 713-1 Market Perspectives

Week 1 Collaboration 

Collaboration: Service-dominant logic (one-week activity) 
The dominant paradigm in marketing for the past decade has been service-dominant logic (SDL), the idea that organisations and consumers co-create value in an ongoing process with various points of interaction.
In this week’s collaboration, you will reflect on and evaluate your own experiences with the co-creation of value, for example, personalised interactions where both you and the organisation benefitted from the exchange. 
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review service-dominant logic (SDL) in your notes and readings and think about situations in which you engaged in the co-creation of value.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
Use service-dominant logic (SDL) to describe a situation in which you engaged in co-creation of value. What strategies could the marketer have used to enhance this experience for you? How would these strategies have improved your experience?
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum. 
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting 3 to 5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Constructively critique their description of a situation in which they engaged in co-creation of value. Remember to provide a rationale for each of your comments.
Identify additional strategies the marketer could have used to enhance your colleagues’ experiences. How would these strategies have improved their experiences?
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week. 
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.
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Week 1 Module Project: First submission: proposal
This week, you select a product or service to work on for your Module Project
To complete this Module Project submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Submit a proposal of approximately 300-500 words in which you:
Identify and describe the organisation and the product or service for which you would like to develop a strategic marketing plan for your module project. Briefly explain why you are choosing to evaluate this organisation for your module project. 
Submit an initial list of 2-3 resources you will be able to use for your research. These sources may be articles on the industry or the organisation, from relevant websites. The Week 3 marketplace analysis and subsequent Market Perspectives assignments must be supported by a substantial list of quality external reference sources using the online library.
This first Module Project submission is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To access the weekly submission link, click here.
In Module Home navigation menu, select Weekly Assessments in the navigation menu, then Week 1. 
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For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free Module project Proposal in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
 Week 2 Collaboration
Market segmentation, part 1 (two-week activity)
Last week, you used service-dominant logic (SDL) to explain your experiences with the co-creation of value. This week, you begin a two-week collaboration analysing and evaluating the market segmentation practices of two very different organisations. You will begin with the Coca-Cola Company’s failed launch of its Dasani brand of bottled water in the UK. For Part 1, watch ‘Coke’s Water Bomb’ in the Learning Resources section of Week 2, paying close attention to the company’s marketing strategy.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3), submit a response of approximately 300-500 words answering the discussion questions below:
What are the important segmentation variables for the water market in the UK? Make sure to justify your selections.
What segment(s) did Coca-Cola target and why?
What mistake(s) did Coca-Cola make in the UK? Based on your understanding of the water market in the UK, why were these mistakes?
Submit your initial response to the Turnitin link provided and post to the Collaboration forum.
By Wednesday (Day 7), post 3-5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Constructively critique their description of segmentation variables for UK bottled water and those targeted by
Coca-Cola. Remember to justify your responses.
Constructively critique their description of the mistakes made by Coca-Cola in the UK. Remember to justify your responses.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
Next week, you will continue this Collaboration by analysing and evaluating the marketing strategy for the University of Liverpool’s MBA programme and considering how well it has been designed to serve your own needs.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.
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Week 3 Collaboration: Market segmentation, part 2
This week, you will continue your collaboration discussion from Week 2 by considering external environmental factors.
Last week, you explored the role played by marketing research, segmentation and targeting in developing marketing strategies that effectively serve the wants and needs of the consumer. 
This week, you will expand your focus to consider the adaptation of marketing strategies to external environmental factors in the markets served. 
In Part 2 of the market segmentation collaboration, you will address a more personal example of how well the University of Liverpool’s marketing strategies have been designed to serve your own wants and needs.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Monday (Day 5)
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts. 
In your discussion:
·         Consider the segmentation and targeting strategies the University of Liverpool has chosen for marketing its MBA programme.
·         To what extent has it needed to adapt these strategies and its offerings to the environmental factors in the markets in which it operates?
·         Reflect on your own reasons for choosing to undertake your MBA at the University of Liverpool. How have the strategies and marketing practices aligned with your reasons and contributed to or detracted from value co-creation and establishing a strong ongoing relationship?
Post an additional 3-5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Compare their analysis with yours of the effect of external environmental factors on ‘Coke’s water bomb’.
Compare their analysis with yours of the effect of external environmental factors on UoL’s MBA programme.
Expand upon their reflections on their reasons for choosing the UoL programme, the value co-creation and the relationship established with your own observations.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
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Week 3 Individual Summary
For your Individual Summary, post a summary of approximately 250 words of what you have learned from this Collaboration, addressing the following questions:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using segmentation to target offerings to specific market segments?
How does an understanding of external environmental factors contribute to more effective target market segmentation and value creation for the organisation and for their customers?
Submit your Individual Summary to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 3 Collaboration Forum" link.
To submit your Individual Summary to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 3 Collaboration Individual Summary – Turnitin

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For only $15, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free individual summary in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via  WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 3 Module Project: Second submission: Situation analysis
This week, you submit the situation analysis section of the module project. This week, you will submit the first part of your strategic marketing plan report. 
The report should outline your analysis of the market environment and your organisation’s marketing response so far. 
Specifically, describe the nature of the product (product attributes and/or services provided) and market (characteristics, needs, trends, growth).
From your analysis of the internal and external environments, prepare a SWOT analysis of the organisation's strengths and weaknesses and of the opportunities and threats in the external environment.
This must not simply be a report on what the organisation is currently doing or a restatement of the work of others. Throughout the assignment, you should focus on how the decisions you recommend will offer a competitive advantage for the firm and justify any changes you consider necessary. 
You do not need to include a Cover Sheet (but do include your name at the top), Table of Contents or Executive Summary in this Week 3 assignment. 
You do need to include a Reference section at the end along with in-text citations identifying all sources used to prepare your assignment, which should include a substantial listing of originally sourced material from the online library, quality websites and/or industry sources.
The References should be a list of quality academic and professional articles and papers, links to websites and other sources (for example, documented interviews) which you have consulted in developing your Module Project assignment.
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Our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project  in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on:  0786 752 007
Week 4: Collaboration: Customer insight, part 1 (two-week activity)
This week, you begin your second two-week collaboration in which you consider our own purchasing behaviour as consumers and compare it with the purchasing behaviour of an organisation.
What factors influence your purchasing decisions, and how would those decisions change if you were buying not just for yourselves, but for an entire organisation? By examining the purchase of a computer or mobile device, you and your colleagues will gain a better understanding of these processes and the importance of customer insight in a successful marketing strategy.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review both customer and business buying-decision processes in your notes and readings, paying close attention to how these processes differ from each other.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300 to 500 words, address the following:
Consider the last time you bought a computer or mobile device for accessing the Internet. What were the major factors that influenced your behaviour as you moved through the buying-decision process? Why were these factors important to you?
Now consider how you would approach this decision if you were responsible for buying this type of equipment for an organisation for which you worked to be used by all of its employees. How would the buying process and the factors that would influence your decision be different from your own personal purchase?
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
Constructively critique their assessment of the consumer versus the business buying process. Remember to justify your response.
Reflect upon ways in which your classmates’ posts may have reshaped your own views.
Ask clarifying questions.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 4 Collaboration Initial Response -- Turnitin.
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Week 4 Personal Development Plan: Second submission: reflection
For your second PDP Assignment, you submit a critically reflective paper that will address your perspectives on marketing based on your personal and professional experiences. Reflecting regularly on acquired knowledge is important in order to ensure you remain sharp and open to innovative ideas.
To complete this PDP:
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Submit an approximately 1,000-word narrative addressing the following: Your prior knowledge and experience with the module's key concepts and themes, including those you identified as particular areas of interest in your initial PDP submission;
Your personal perspectives and assumptions around key module topics;
How your current practice relates to key module topics;
Identifying strategies to achieve your plans;
Identifying areas for your personal development and growth.
For only $60, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 5 Collaboration: Consumer insight, part 2 (two-week activity)
For this week’s collaboration, you will continue to explore the importance of consumer insight, understanding the purchasing decisions of both individuals and organisations.
You will once again consider your last purchase of a computer or mobile device, this time focusing solely on branding and its impact on your decision to buy. You will also have the opportunity to reflect on the influence of new technologies on brand equity. Finally, you will submit a summary of the entire two-week collaboration.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review your notes and readings on branding, positioning and building brand equity.
Review your responses from Part 1 of the collaboration.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Monday (Day 5)
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts.
In your discussion:
Consider the role that branding played in your last purchase of a computer or mobile device for accessing the Internet. How was brand image of alternative choices a positive or negative factor in your influencing your decision?
Now consider the role that branding would play in an organisational buying decision for the same type of equipment and how it would be similar to or different from the influence it has on a consumer's purchasing behaviour.
Post an additional 3-5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Compare and contrast the results of their analysis with yours.
Reflect on how technology has offered new capabilities for building (or destroying) brand equity, including social media and online brand communities.
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Week 5: Module Project: Third submission: Marketing strategy
This week, you submit the marketing strategy section of the module project
For your third module project submission, you will submit the second part of your strategic marketing plan report, an initial draft of your Marketing Strategy sections 3.0-3.5, in which you explain your organisation’s mission, marketing and financial objectives, target markets and positioning strategy by making reference to relevant marketing theories, concepts and frameworks.
This must not simply be a report on what the organisation is currently doing or a restatement of the work of others. Throughout the assignment, you should focus on how the decisions you recommend will offer a competitive advantage for the firm and justify any changes you consider necessary.
You do not need to include a Cover Sheet (but do include your name at the top), Table of Contents or Executive Summary in the Week 5 assignment.
You do need to include a Reference section at the end along with in-text citations identifying all sources used to prepare your assignment, which should include a substantial listing of originally sourced material from the online library, quality websites and/or industry sources.
To complete this Module Project submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Submit approximately 1,000 words in which you complete sections 3.0-3.5 of the Strategic Planning Project:
3.0 Marketing Strategy
3.1 Mission
3.2 Marketing Objectives
3.3 Financial Objectives
3.4 Target Markets
3.5 Positioning
Submit your Module Project to Turnitin
For only $60, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 6 Collaboration
Collaboration: Marketing strategies, part 1 (two-week activity)
More than a decade ago O’Malley and Patterson (1998) boldly proclaimed ‘The marketing mix is a myth. Theoretically, it has no foundations. Pedagogically it no longer serves a useful purpose and practically it has been surpassed in many instances by more dynamic approaches to marketing. We propose that the mix has now reached its vanishing point.’
Yet the ‘myth’ lives on in marketing textbooks and among marketing practitioners who find it necessary to make product, pricing, promotion and distribution channel strategy decisions. In this week’s collaboration, you will debate the merits of the marketing mix as a framework for understanding the discipline.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review your notes and readings on the marketing mix.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300 to 500 words, address the following:
Do you feel the 4Ps should be retired, or can they be reconciled with the newer paradigms such as relationship marketing, SDL and co-creation of value?
Provide a detailed rationale for your position along with support from external reference sources.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
Constructively critique their assessment of the 4Ps marketing mix. Remember to justify your responses.
Expand upon the topic with your own insights and findings from the independent research you have done.
Reflect upon ways in which your classmates’ posts may have reshaped your own views.
Ask clarifying questions.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.
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Week 7 Collaboration
Marketing Strategies, part 2 (two-week activity)
This week, you continue to explore marketing strategies, moving from micro to macro strategies
For this week’s collaboration, you will continue to explore marketing strategies, moving from micro strategies such as relationship marketing to macro strategies such as corporate social responsibility (CSR). You will consider why organisations choose to pursue ethical business practices and the potential impact of marketing on individual and societal well-being. Finally, you will submit a summary of the entire two-week collaboration.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review your notes and readings on social marketing and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Review your responses from Part 1 of the collaboration.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Monday (Day 5)
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts.
In your discussion:
Consider the ethical challenges that are faced by marketers in making decisions about their product/pricing offerings, their channel strategies and their integrated marketing communication programmes. How does unethical behaviour impact consumer and partnership relationships, as well as the co-creation of value?
Reflect on factors that should cause an organisation to follow ethical and socially responsible business practices in this highly interconnected world of 24/7 news and social media. Explain how each factor might influence an organisation to act responsibly.
Do you feel that there is a bottom-line case to be built for organisations embracing corporate social responsibility (CSR) or that their primary concern should be for achieving objectives for profit, growth etc without regard to the social consequences? Justify your position with evidence from the readings and/or independent research.
Post an additional 3-5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Constructively criticise your colleagues’ assessment of the case for CSR. Remember to justify your responses.
Expand upon the topic with your own insights and findings from the independent research you have done.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
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Week 7: Module Project: Final submission
This week, you will submit the final version of your strategic marketing plan report. There is a 4,000-word minimum and a 5,000-word maximum limit for the main body of this submission (Sections 2.0-5.3).
This submission should include:
A new executive summary at 500 words maximum,
Your Week 3 and Week 5 submissions all revised based on instructor feedback
The remaining Strategy, Financial and Controls sections (3.6-5.3)
A full references section.
To complete this Module Project submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Submit the final version of your strategic marketing plan including:
Cover Sheet; including name, class, title and core word count.
Table of Contents; with page numbers.
Section 1.0 Executive Summary; 500 words maximum.
Section 2.0 Situation Analysis; including:
2.1 Market Summary
2.2 SWOT Analysis
2.3 Competition
2.4 Product Offering
2.5 Keys to Success
2.6 Critical Issues.
Section 3.0 Marketing Strategy; including:
3.1 Mission
3.2 Marketing Objectives
3.3 Financial Objectives
3.4 Target Markets
3.5 Positioning
3.6 Strategies
3.7 Marketing Mix (4 Ps for product offering or 7Ps for services offering, as appropriate)
3.8 Marketing Research.
Section 4.0 Financials; including:
4.1 Break-Even Analysis
4.2 Sales Forecast (projected over 2 years) and Expenses Forecast (also over 2 years).
Section 5.0 Controls; including:
5.1 Implementation (scheduled over 2 years)
5.2 Market Organisation
5.3 Contingency Planning (include specific observations on difficulties and risks and worst-case scenario risks)
References: A list of quality academic and professional articles and papers, links to websites and other sources (e.g. documented interviews) which you have consulted in developing your Module Project assignment. All references must be compiled in accordance with the Harvard Referencing guidelines.
Submit your Module Project to the Turnitin link provided.
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Our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007 
Week 8 Collaboration: Final Reflection (one-week activity)
This week, you will reflect on the material presented in this module and how organisations need to adapt their marketing strategies to meet the changing needs of the market.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the description of the four components of the holistic marketing concept in Chapter 1 (pages 10-12) of your textbook.
Consider the past seven weeks’ learning regarding the contribution of relationship marketing, integrated marketing, internal marketing and social responsibility marketing to value creation and enhanced marketing performance.
Choose an organisation with which you are currently working or one that you have been involved with recently.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3)
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
Identify the marketing practices of your selected organisation that are consistent with the holistic marketing concept and those that are inconsistent.
Do you feel that the holistic marketing concept is an appropriate organisational philosophy to guide this organisation’s marketing efforts? Provide specific reasons why or why not.
What changes would you recommend be made in the organisation’s marketing practices to improve performance? Be sure to provide your rationale for each change.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting 3 to 5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Constructively critique their assessment of their organisation’s marketing practices. Remember to justify your responses.
Expand upon the topic with your own insights and findings from the independent research you have done.
Reflect on ways in which your colleagues’posts may have reshaped your own views. Ask clarifying questions
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message
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For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 8: Personal Development Plan: Final submission: reflective paper
This week, you will complete your Personal Development Plan. You will submit your final reflection on progress towards goals and make revisions to goals and action plan items, including ideas for future workplace research (eg problems you might want to pursue for your dissertation at the end of your MBA programme).
By Wednesday (Day 7)
Complete the formal update of your PDP.
Submit your final PDP paper to Turnitin.
Our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

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