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KMBA 714-4 Innovation and Change

Week 1 Collaboration
Daily Innovations
Many people have come to rely on the results of innovation so much that innovative products have become commonplace, and perhaps even mundane.
In this Collaboration, you will categorise innovations that you encounter in your daily life—the types of innovations that are valuable to you—and connect them to the theories and concepts of innovation. With your colleagues, you will critically examine the importance of innovation within organisations and discuss the extent to which it should influence management.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the readings for this week and consider how you would categorise the innovations you encounter in your daily life.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3):
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
Take a journey through your day and identify the innovations that you encounter. Place these innovations in a category (service, product or process) and discuss their value to you in terms of cost, efficiency or effectiveness.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7):
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting 3 to 5 responses to your colleagues in which you:
Consider some of the innovations that your colleagues identified. Discuss what you consider to be the innovations that have transformed the world we live in and discuss the factors that drove those innovations.  
Consider whether innovation and change is a strategically important leadership/managerial role and give a rationale for your conclusions.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.
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Week 1 Module Project Proposal
The purpose of the Module Project is to apply the concepts of innovation and change to the analysis of real-world situations or problems and to critically evaluate different approaches to addressing such problems.
The focus of this Module Project will be the creation of an innovation strategy based on your critical analysis of how to foster an innovative culture within an organisation.
There will be four submissions:
•     A draft proposal, due in Week 1 (this week)
•     A draft of the first section, due in Week 3
•     A draft of the second section, due in Week 5
•     A final report, due in Week 7
•     Scenario:
You have been appointed as an external innovation and change consultant to an organisation. This organisation has been in existence for a number of years. Conscious of the fact that an inability to be innovative can lead to failure, the leadership of the organisation has appointed you to assist them in developing an innovation strategy to ensure that the organisation maintains an innovative culture and that this, in turn, will lead to a sustained ability to deliver innovative products and services to the market.
To complete this Module Project:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit a draft proposal of 300–500 words to select and identify the organisation that you wish to study and the industry in which it operates.
Provide some background information on the organisation you have selected. You should identify (but not be restricted to) the following:
The organization
The products or services that it offers
Its position within its industry in terms of market share and size
The extent of competition within its industry
Outline why this organisation requires your services as an innovation and change consultant.
Outline how your role as a consultant will impact the immediate and long-term success of this organisation.
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Week 2 Collaboration
Innovation and competitive advantage
In order to stay relevant now, as well as in the future, many successful organisations make a proactive and deliberate effort to align innovation with their most important strategic business goals.
In this Collaboration, you will evaluate the concept of sustainable competitive advantage and analyse a source of innovation. With your colleagues, you will apply your understanding of open innovation to an organisation with which you are familiar.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Read the von Hippel article (1988) and the Rogo, Cricelli and Grimaldi article (2014) and consider how innovation can lead to a competitive advantage.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3):
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
Select an organisation with which you are familiar and analyse how one of the sources of innovation (disruptive, open or lead-user innovation) could be a source of competitive advantage for this organisation.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7):
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting and replying to each other’s posts.
In your discussion, identify an organisation that would benefit from open innovation and discuss how this could be implemented.
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Week 2 Personal Development Plan: Initial Submission
The PDP is an important part of your MBA programme. Its purpose is to relate the academic content of the module to your personal and professional goals.
To complete this Personal Development Plan:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Review the module’s content along with your PDP. 
Prepare a brief submission (~500 words) about how the module content will help you advance your personal development, focusing on topics of particular interest to you.
For this week, it is recommended that you consider the following:
How your previous modules have encouraged you to challenge some of your previously-held assumptions on management and leadership
What you hope to gain from the Innovation and Change module
To submit your Personal Development Plan to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 2 Personal Development Plan -- Turnitin - FF.
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Week 3: Innovation for the services sector
Collaboration: Service innovation 
 Innovation is as relevant to services and processes as it is to products—innovative methods of serving customers can also lead to strategic competitive advantage.
In this Collaboration, you will describe a service innovation in your government. With your colleagues, you will evaluate the success or failure of this Government service and compare and contrast service innovation with product innovation. You will also write a summary of your learning in Weeks 2 and 3: In this summary, you will consider how the external environment impact innovation sources
To prepare for this Collaboration: 
Following on from last week when you looked at sources of innovation, read Christense et al. (2006).
Choose an innovation within a government service (such as health care or education) in your own country to discuss with your colleagues.
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Week 3 Module Project: Sources of innovation
How might innovation of services improve your organisation's bottom­line?
Sources of innovation
As you learned in Week 1, the focus of this Module Project is the creation of an innovation strategy based onyour critical analysis of how to foster an innovative culture within an organisation with which you are familiar.
In this week, you will consider how you might apply the concepts of sources of innovation and service innovation to the organisation you selected.
To complete this Module Project:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit an analysis of your company in approximately 1000 words to explore the following questions:
What sources of innovation can the organisation use in order to achieve its objective of sustaining a pipeline of innovative products and services? You should consider the roles of lead­user and open innovation, indicating whether or not these are relevant.
what extent is this organisation faced with disruptive innovation?
Is service innovation something that can be developed by this organisation
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Week 4 Collaboration
Portfolio management
Innovative organisations successfully maintain their position in their industry through development of their portfolio of products and services. For example, Apple’s products transformed not just the personal computing industry, but the music and mobile phone industries.
In this Collaboration, you will discuss with your colleagues the part portfolio management plays in maintaining a competitive advantage, using examples from an organisation with which you are familiar. As you obtain a good understanding of the products and services that this organisation offers (and has offered), consider how they have allowed the organisation to maintain a competitive position within its industry. It is important that you explore the strategic implications of the products and services that the company offers and has offered.
To further the discussion of innovation and portfolio management, you will categorise Apple’s products in terms of the Boston Box matrix (Morrison and Wensley, 1991).
Reference: Morrison, A. & Wensley, R. (1991) ‘Boxing up or boxed in?: a short history of the Boston Consulting Group share/growth matrix’, Journal of Marketing Management, 7 (2), pp. 105-129.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Learning Resources. Consider how portfolio management can lead to a competitive advantage and consider the categories in the Boston Box article might apply (Morrison and Wensley, 1991).
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3):
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
Discuss the part portfolio management plays in maintaining a competitive advantage.  Use examples from companies and organisations with which you are familiar to illustrate your answer.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7):
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting and replying to each other’s posts.
Consider and discuss Apple’s products.  Using the Boston Box matrix (or BCG Matrix, as it is also known), discuss which products can be classified as cash cows, stars, question marks and dogs (Morrison and Wensley, 1991).
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Week 4: Personal Development Plan: Questioning assumptions
How have your professional goals and values changes on account of what you have learned in the module so far?
Questioning assumptions
For this week’s submission to your PDP, you will examine what you have learned about innovation in the first four weeks of this module and how your perception of innovation has been influenced by the theories and ideas you have encountered.
You will begin to link what you have learned so far to your professional goals and values.
To prepare for this Personal Development Plan:
Look back on your previous PDP submissions and reflect on your learning.
To complete this Personal Development Plan:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Identify the new concepts that you have found to be of personal value.
Discuss any previously held assumptions on innovation that these new concepts have challenged. 
Analyse how the information you have learned in the past weeks might change your perspectives or your career practices.
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Week 5 Collaboration
Google’s creative culture
We strive to maintain the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. (Google, n.d.)
This quote from Google illustartes how the internet giant viewed a creative culture as a key factor in its success. In this Collaboration, you will explore how Google’s creative culture contributed to its success. By gaining a good understanding and background of Google’s culture, you can consider fully how its culture allowed Google to be competitive and to maintain a competitive position within its industry.
Reference: Google (n.d.) Our culture [Online]. Available from: (Accessed: 3 September 2018).
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Learning Resources.
Explore in what way the culture of creativity and innovation at Google has contributed to its position as an innovative leader in its particular market.
Analyse how Google's creative culture allowed its employees to generate new ideas for existing products and services, as well as new products and services.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Day 5 (Monday):
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
Describe specific aspects of Google’s creative culture that made it an innovative market leader.
Analyse how (and give examples) its creative culture allows employees to generate ideas for products and services.
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
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Week 5 Module Project: Applying innovation, creativity and diversity
Consider the impact of the changes you propose to the organisation you have chosen to study.
Applying innovation, creativity and diversity
For this assignment, consider how to apply the concepts of managing innovation, a creative workplace culture and workplace diversity to the organisation you selected.
To complete this Module Project:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
With your understanding from the readings, submit approximately 750 words addressing the following:
The impact of the changes you propose on the organisation you selected
Whether these changes involve a change to the organisation's culture
Whether workplace diversity, or lack thereof, impacts the innovation of the organisation
The influence of the organisation’s workplace diversity on the changes you propose
The possible resistance that your changes may face from owners/managers and employees
What you propose the owners/managers should do to address these challenges and overcome them
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Week 6 Collaboration: Innovation strategy
Developing and maintaining an innovation strategy to guide an organisation’s product portfolio can be a key factor in that organisation’s success.
Cooper and Edgett (2010) describe a model for creating such a strategy. How might you use the ideas described in this framework in your profession? 
In this Collaboration, you will draw upon your own experiences to discuss Cooper and Edgett’s (2010) innovation model.
Reference: Cooper, R.G. & Edgett, S.J. (2010) ‘Developing a product innovation and technology strategy for your business’, Research Technology Management, 53 (3), pp. 33-40.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Cooper and Edgett (2010) article and analyse the model of product innovation and technology strategy described on page 36.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3):
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
On page 36 of the Cooper and Edgett (2010) article, Cooper and Edgett propose a model for developing a product innovation and technology strategy. Discuss how this model can be used to develop and maintain an innovation strategy. Use examples from an organisation with which you are familiar to illustrate your answer.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Wednesday (Day 7):
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting and replying to each other’s posts.
Following on from your initial post, discuss with the rest of the class in the discussion forum how the organisation you identified chooses their innovation strategy process and the strategic arenas in which to operate.
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Week 6 Personal Development Plan: Innovation and diverse experiences 
What insights have you gained in relation to innovation and change as a result of engaging with colleagues from other cultures? In this submission, you will discuss how perspectives from other cultures in relation to innovation and change differ from your own culture.
To complete this Personal Development Plan:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit a paper (totalling approximately 500 words) addressing the following: 
As a result of engaging and interacting students from different culture on this programme, what insights have you gained into how innovation and change is approached by different cultures?
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Week 7 Collaboration: Overcoming resistance to change
Innovation necessitates that organisations change how things are done. However, change is frequently met with resistance.
In this Collaboration, you will discuss ways managers can contribute to an organisation’s innovation strategy. You will also discuss ways in which leaders can implement change and overcome resistance to change within organisations.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Learning Resources and explore the challenges of implementing change.
To complete this Collaboration:
Until Day 5 (Monday):
Continue to participate by engaging in a discussion with your colleagues, replying to each other’s posts:
Analyse how managers can overcome resistance to change, discussing how managers can ensure that employees within their organisations contribute to and are aligned with the organisation’s strategy. 
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
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Week 7 Module Project: Final submission
This part of the Module Project needs to demonstrate that your proposals for an innovation strategy for your chosen organisation are sustainable.
Final Submission:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit an approximately 3,000-word paper in which you recommend an innovation strategy for your organisation and analyse the implementation of that strategy within the organisation. This strategy must address three important elements.
Firstly, your strategy must illustrate that the changes you propose will have a positive commercial impact on the business. 
Secondly, your strategy must show that the people within the organisation are able to deliver the plan you propose. 
Finally, the strategy must outline that the business that was at risk of failure now has the resources and capabilities for a sustainable competitive advantage within its chosen industry.
This part of the Module Project should be linked to the Cooper and Edgett (2010) model that you encountered in Week 6 of the module.
In particular, the final part of the Module Project will show the following:
What the medium- and long-term goals of the organisation are
How the organisation will implement these goals
How the organisation will deploy and develop resources to achieve these goals
The impact of the innovation strategy on the triple bottom line of the organization
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Week 8 Collaboration: Innovation performance measurement
This week’s Learning Resources provide a range of models and ideas on how innovation can be measured. Importantly, they contain both quantitative and qualitative methods of measuring the impact of innovation.
In this Collaboration, you will use these measurements to develop your own diagnostic tool that will allow you to conclude whether or not an innovation has had a value-adding outcome. It’s also worth noting that you should consider not only the short-term impact of innovation, but also its strategic implications for an organisation.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Learning Resources and consider the models and ideas on how innovation can be measured.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Saturday (Day 3):
For your Initial Response, in 300–500 words, address the following:
Develop your own diagnostic model to measure the effectiveness of innovation. Your model should enable the user to measure what you consider to be the most important elements of innovation performance measurement. Your model may address quantitative and qualitative metrics.
Submit your Initial Response to Turnitin and to the Collaboration forum.
Until Monday (Day 5):
Participate in the Collaboration Forum by posting and replying to each other’s posts and address the following:
Compare and contrast the theories of measurement with your colleagues. 
You should aim to participate with follow-on postings to your colleagues’ responses, making 3–5 significant follow-up postings. Aim to spread your total collaboration discussions across 3 separate days of each week.
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Use your colleagues’ feedback to refine your innovation measurement model and resubmit it to the Collaboration Forum.
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Week 8 Personal Development Plan: Final submission
Recall that the PDP is an important part of your MBA programme. Its purpose is to relate the academic content of the module to your personal and professional goals. 
In your final submission, you will consider how the theories and ideas in this module have influenced your thinking. 
To complete this Personal Development Plan:
By Wednesday (Day 7):
Submit a narrative of approximately 750–1000 words addressing the following: 
Reflect on your learning from this module and create a brief outline of a personal plan that is influenced by the theories and ideas that this module generated. This plan should highlight how the theories and topics you have engaged with can assist:
You as an employee
You in your career path
The organisation that you work in
Consider your PDP submission in Week 2 and discuss whether or not your thoughts on innovation and change and its impact on you have been influenced by the theories and ideas that you have encountered in this module.
Suggested Answer
For only $45, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

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