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KMGT 710 Strategic Management

Week 1 Assessments
·         By Day 1 (Thursday), submit the Academic Integrity Declaration.
·         By Day 1 (Thursday), submit your Personal Introduction to the Collaboration Forum.
·         By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
·         By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Collaboration Initial Response to the Collaboration Forum.
·         Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: Strategy alignment
The foundation of strategy is the understanding of the strategic process and the different options available for dealing with crafting and executing strategy.
Such issues are likely to differ depending on the position an individual holds in the organisation and at what level of the organisation he or she works. There are a range of approaches and lenses for the crafting of strategy and each has its strengths and limitations.
As highlighted in your Key Concept Overview document this week, some examples include: the design school, the experience lens, strategy as variety and the configuration approach. As a manager, how do you select the proper lens to effectively align strategy among all levels of an organisation?
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 1.
Reflect on the variety in strategy definitions, levels of organisations and lenses/approaches for determining strategy.
Review the Criteria for Assessment Rubrics, accessible from the 'Rubrics' section in the Syllabus (also provided here). The rubrics provide the grading criteria used throughout your programme.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically evaluate the importance of aligning strategy among the levels of an organisation. In your evaluation, critically examine how the strategic lens of an organisation may or may not affect the degree of alignment among levels. Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What challenges do organisations face when crafting strategy?
·         How do operational and strategic issues manifest themselves at different levels of an organisation?  How might that affect how strategy is aligned?
·         What strategic lenses exist for organisations? What are the strengths and limitations of each?
·         How do managers determine an appropriate lens or approach to strategy?
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 1 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin - Formative Feedback.

Collaboration: Introductions
Engaging with your classmates is an integral feature of your online studies, and crucial to building your online community. In this collaborative exercise, you'll begin to set the foundations for this.
This week's collaborative activity will allow you to get to know your colleagues, share your personal and professional goals and discuss how joining the Master of Science in Management programme at the University of Liverpool will enable you to achieve your goals. One of the benefits of a fully online programme is that it can enable you to participate in a global, online community of learners. Your new colleagues are likely to have professional goals and interests very similar to your own, while bringing very different perspectives and ideas to the conversation about how best to achieve those goals. They may also share many of your concerns about how to succeed as an online master's student, so that together you can work to overcome challenges you may face.
This is a purely introductory activity and will not be graded using the same criteria as later Collaboration activities; nevertheless, strive to meet the normal expectations for participation, as this will help you establish a pattern of success for later weeks.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
View the videos welcoming you to the University of Liverpool and your programme, and review the Web site of the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS).
Reflect on the values and mission of the University and ULMS and how they align with your own professional goals and values; on the value of participating in a global, online learning community; and on concerns you may have about succeeding as an online master's student.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
In the Week 1 Collaboration forum, introduce yourself to your classmates by creating a text, audio or video posting. (For instructions on using audio or video, refer to the Student Guide for Integrating Media in the Classroom, located in the Learning Resources.)
Include a brief statement of your personal and professional background and goals, how your goals align with the values and mission of the programme and the Management School, and how being a student on this programme will enable you to achieve your goals.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Asking insightful questions about your colleagues’ career goals.
Sharing your thoughts about the value of participating in a global, online learning community and how you might go about this.
Sharing any concerns you have about becoming a successful online master’s student, and discussing how you can work together to overcome obstacles.
Offering contributions based upon your prior experience.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 1 Collaboration Forum" link.
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Week 2 Assessments
·         By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
·         Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.
·         By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin.

Collaboration: Managing self and managing others
‘Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves – their strengths, their values, and how they best perform.’ —P. F. Drucker
Managing others starts with managing yourself. It requires both reflection and self-awareness. It takes courage to hold up the mirror and evaluate the person on the other side. The better understanding you have of yourself, the more you will benefit in leading others and creating successful teams. To do so, you need to be able to answer the following questions: What are my strengths and weaknesses? What drives me? In reflecting on your own self-management, how might you impart your strengths, weaknesses and drivers on those you manage? Furthermore, how might you translate your management to the organisation’s strategic objectives at large?
Reference: Drucker P. F. (2005) ‘Managing oneself’, Harvard Business Review: The Best of HBR, January, pp. 100-109.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Learning Resources from Week 1 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 1.
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 2.
Reflect on the themes in the readings from Weeks 1 and 2 and how the management of people relates to the alignment of strategy among organisational levels.
Think about the lens and approaches for crafting strategy and how the manner of management may affect the choices surrounding a given lens or approach.
Review the grading criteria for Collaborations in the Criteria for Assessment Rubrics, accessible in the Syllabus. Although this Collaboration is not graded, strive to meet the normal expectations for contribution to the learning community, as this will help you establish a pattern of success for later weeks.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 1 into the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Asking insightful questions about how a colleague might choose to manage conflict among levels of his or her organisation.
Offering contributions based upon the literature and your prior experience with regards to managing people and strategic objectives.
Exploring how self-management and the management of others influences the choice of strategic lens or approach of a colleague.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 2 Collaboration Forum" link.
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or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Individual Assignment: Readiness skills: Paraphrasing
Throughout this module, you will complete a series of assignments intended to help you develop the master’s-level academic readiness skills you will need to be successful throughout your programme. This is the first of these assignments, which will enable you to practice an important writing skill: paraphrasing.
Imagine you were asked to complete a report at work, and had an opportunity to incorporate some ideas and documents prepared by colleagues. You would want to acknowledge their contributions, but perhaps not include all of their work verbatim. In this situation, appropriate paraphrasing and acknowledgement of your sources is called for. The same is true in almost all academic writing.
In this week’s Learning Resources, you learn about academic integrity and the importance of avoiding plagiarism. Avoiding plagiarism and developing strong academic writing skills involve effective paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is a critical skill that requires thinking about what you have read and writing about it in your own words, without directly copying the words of the original author. This week, you will practice paraphrasing an article and submitting it to your Instructor for feedback.
To prepare for this Individual Assignment
Review the resource in this week’s Learning Resources, ‘Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing’ on the Purdue Online Writing Lab Web site and practise paraphrasing by completing the exercises provided on the site.
Review the materials on Turnitin, an important online tool that allows you to check for unintentional plagiarism, which you will use throughout your programme.
To complete this Individual Assignment:
Select two or three key paragraphs from the Drucker (2005) article provided in the Week 2 Learning Resources.
Write a paraphrased summary of the paragraphs you selected.
By Day 7 (Wednesday):
Submit your paraphrased paragraphs to your Instructor for feedback.
Additionally, use the Turnitin Originality Report to assess how well you used paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism.
Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 2 Individual Assignment -- Turnitin - Formative Feedback
Suggested Answer
We do not have a sample of this answer; however, our experts can assist you answer it in line with UOL standards. Feel free to contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO at: 0786 752 007

Week 3 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: Roles and structures
Organisational culture and capabilities are premised on a wide range of factors; however, some key elements are driven by the way organisational activities are organised, co-ordinated, planned and controlled.
The roles and responsibilities of the manager are central to this process. They both reflect and shape the culture. Similarly, the organisational structure has a significant impact on culture and has the potential to enable and support superior performance as well as to hinder or obstruct it.
There are a range of options for analysing the role of managers and the structures that they operate in; for example, the McKinsey 7-S framework which is addressed in the Module text reading for this week. Having an understanding of these roles and the different options available for structuring an organisation is important to the strategy process.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 3.
Reflect on the various roles and responsibilities of the manager and organisational structures.
Consider how the roles of a manager and organisational structure of an organisation impact an organisation.
Review how the Ss of the McKinsey 7-S framework align and how those elements of an organisation influence its strategic objectives.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically evaluate the need for alignment of manager roles and organisational structures. In your evaluation, critically examine how each, both individually and collectively, affect an organisation’s ability to achieve its strategic objectives.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What are the various roles of managers in organisations? How have perspectives on these roles changed over time?
·         What structures exist for organisations? How have these structures evolved with the role of management in organisations?
·         How do manager roles and organisational structures support the goals of an organisation?
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 3 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin - FF.

Collaboration: The evolution of management, Part I
The theories, concepts and mainstays of management in organisations have undergone some radical changes over the last 100 years.
The role of the manager has evolved from carrot-and-stick owner-managers to increased bureaucracy to servant leaders. Management theories have shifted from an emphasis on authority and structure to a focus on employees. While there has been an evolution in ideas surrounding managerial roles and management theory, competing theories still exist regarding what motivates an employee, but knowing how the theories arrived at their conclusions can help you with your employees.
As trends in management continue to shift and evolve, whether regarding roles, theory or employee engagement, it is important as a management student to be aware of the trends and mindful of the past. As you move forward in this programme, consider how the concepts, theories and topics of each module may shift or evolve throughout your career and be sure to highlight the lasting theories and what makes them applicable to contemporary organisations.
This Collaboration will take place over the next two weeks, and will give you an opportunity to share ideas with your colleagues over an extended period of time. Next week, you will continue this Collaboration by discussing ideas with your colleagues on the historical development of management theories and the impact that classical theory has on current management thinking.
To prepare for this Collaboratiom:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 3.
Complete your Key Concept Exercise for this week.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise for Week 3 into the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Sharing alternative perspectives on the impact of manager roles and organisational strategy on the achievement of strategic objectives.
Exploring similarities and differences in your perspectives on the alignment of manager roles and organisational structures.
Asking insightful questions about your colleague’s interpretation of ideas from the Learning Resources.
Extending the discussion to new but relevant areas.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 3 Collaboration Forum" link.
Suggested Answer
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or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 4 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio to Turnitin.

Collaboration: The evolution of management, Part II
Last week, you began discussing the alignment of manager’s roles and organisational structures and how they, both individually and collectively, affect an organisation’s achievement of its strategic objectives. This week, you will expand your discussion by considering how the evolution of management theory can inform your views on manager roles and organisational structures.
To prepare for this Collaboratiom:
Review the Learning Resources for Week 3 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 3.
Consider how management theory has evolved in the last 100 years.
Think about the impact of management theory on contemporary organisations.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 3 into the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Expounding on the most important historical development in management theory and its level of impact on managers’ roles in contemporary organisations.
Critically analysing how the evolution of management theory relates to the impact of manager roles and organisational structures on organisational performance.
Supporting or refuting a colleague’s assertions using specific references to management theories from the Learning Resources.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Weeks 4 Collaboration Forum" link.
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For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at:
or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Personal Development Plan: Personal mission, vision and goals
Completing your master’s degree should be an exciting journey full of opportunities for new learning and discovery, but you will undoubtedly face challenges along the way. Many other facets of your life will likely compete for your time and attention, and potentially distract you from your goals and discourage you from reaching them. Creating a Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) will help you document your accomplishments and maintain momentum throughout your programme.
Planning for success is an iterative process. The PDP is a living document which you will revise in order to update goals, modify steps, add resources and adjust timelines, as you continue through your programme.
This week’s PDP assignment asks you to formulate a personal mission, vision and goals statement, and to reflect on the relationship between your personal and professional values and the important principles of academic integrity.
To prepare for this PDP assignment:
Reflect on your personal mission, vision and goals for your own career development, particularly in light of this week’s discussion on professional HR competencies.
To complete this PDP Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday):
Complete the following:
Create a personal mission, vision and goals statement. You will be able to revisit your goals at the end of this module, and develop an action plan for working toward those goals throughout your programme.
In formulating your PDP Assignment, consider the following questions:
·         How do you see yourself as a professional and a person five years from now?
·         What are your short-term and long-term goals related to your professional career? What are your life goals?
·         What are your personal values related to your professional career? How do your personal values and ethics relate to the principles of academic integrity?
·         What is your personal management style?
·         What will becoming a more effective manager help you to accomplish in your work and life?
·         How does improving your management skills and competencies fit into the realisation of your goals?
By Day 7 (Wednesday),
submit your PDP Assignment to the Turnitin link provided.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the "View/Complete" link for Week 4 Personal Development Portfolio -- Turnitin – FF
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you develop your PDP in line with UOL standards. Feel free to order here or contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO at: 0786 752 007
 Week 5 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: Governance and Strategic Purpose
You have already identified that setting the strategic purpose is at the top level of strategy for the organisation. This is done by giving clear communication as to where the organisation is going and how it plans to get there.
This does not suggest that, once this Module has been set, it should go unchallenged and that the aspirations and goals of managers are always aligned to those of key stakeholders and shareholders. The vision statement supports this communication where it answers the crucial question of ‘what the organisation wants to achieve’.
In addition, there are a range of options that managers have for communicating the organisational purpose and, equally, there are choices as to the ways in which these goals and their underpinning tactics are monitored and policed, i.e. governed. These are influenced by national codes and by the organisation’s constitution and aims; however, across all organisations, both purpose and governance need careful management.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 5.
Please note that your Key Concept Exercise will be based on the Enron scandal as described in the Deakin (2004) article.
Reflect on the ways in which the vision of an organisation is defined and communicated and how that vision impacts the strategic purpose of that organisation.
Also, consider the role of governance in ensuring that an organisation’s aims and objectives are both appropriate and able to be met.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Consider the events involving Enron as described by Deacon (2004) and expand on the following:
How crucial was the role of governance in influencing strategic purpose at Enron? Given the outcome, should this have been more or less of a role?
Who were the key stakeholders involved in the process of developing Enron’s strategic purpose? How might stakeholders have alleviated some of the issues present in the purpose?
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 5 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Perspectives vision statements
Some organisations find the question ‘why does the company exist?’ so difficult to answer that they actively avoid debating the issue. Where a broad consensus on organisational purpose does exist, however, the Ashridge model suggests that they can be categorised into three different types, namely: shareholders, stakeholders and higher ideal.
Organisational purpose (direction) and strategy mean little unless they can be converted into action, via organisational policies and behaviour standards that guide people in their day-to-day actions. In most organisations, these organisational policies and behaviour standards are evident in their vision statements. Consider the example of the Enron scandal, which was the focus of this week’s Key Concept Exercise. How closely aligned was its strategic purpose with its vision statement? What implications did this alignment have on the events before, during and after the scandal?
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 5 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 5.
Consider the elements of a vision statement and how they relate to an organisation’s strategic purpose.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 5 to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Asking insightful questions.
Offering contributions based upon the literature and your prior experience as to the relationship between an organisation’s strategic purpose and vision statement.
Contributing your perspective on how much of a role the vision of your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) plays in the setting of its strategic purpose.
Supporting or refuting a colleague’s assertions using specific references to management theories from the Learning Resources.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas regarding vision statements and setting strategic purpose.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 5 Collaboration Forum" link.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at:
or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 6 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: Organisational culture
Culture informs every part of an organisation from staff to customers, suppliers and the wider stakeholder groups. It determines how creative the organisation is, how it deals with change, and how it learns. A people-based competitive advantage is the goal of most businesses as it is very difficult to replicate and gives all sectors the ability to achieve superior performance.
Culture is that intangible factor that sums up the 'way we do things' in an organisation however a healthy culture does not simply materialize by itself. It requires an understanding of a wide range of inter-related factors and insight into how to align these at times competing elements. One avenue to reach this understanding is the use of a cultural web to analyse the 'behavioural, physical and symbolic manifestations of a culture' (Johnson, et al., 2014, p.155). By delving into an organisation in such a manner, managers have the means to develop its culture a strategic resource.
Reference: Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. &; Regnér, P. (2014) Exploring strategy text & cases. 10th Ed. Harlow: Pearson.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 6.
Reflect on the definition of organisational culture and what makes it healthy.
Reflect on the culture of your organisation or one with which you are familiar and whether it uses culture as a strategic resource.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically evaluate the strategic nature of organisational culture as a resource for organisation. In your evaluation, use specific examples from an organisation with which you are familiar to highlight how organisations may or may not employ culture as a strategic resource.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What is the value of utilising analysis tools such as a cultural web for determining the strategic nature of organisational culture?
·         How might the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation's culture affect its strategic value?
·         How might organisations employ culture as a strategic resource?
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 6 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: A positive culture for success
Organisational culture is concerned with the ways individuals within an organisation view themselves and their work. It is the organisation’s personality and, like any form of personality, can be good or bad, supportive or inhibiting, healthy or unhealthy.
Culture underpins how employees relate to each other and the world outside the organisation. This culture manifests itself in the ways they perceive and treat customers, suppliers, shareholders and colleagues. Similarly, culture impacts the way that the public perceives an organisation and the ability of the organisation to attract and retain talented employees. Given its complex and far-reaching nature, it is important for organisations to cultivate a positive culture for its internal and external success.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Read and watch the Required Learning Resources for Week 6 and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 6.
Reflect on your definition of positive culture and how it might impact the success of an organisation.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 6 to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Noting how a colleague’s organisation might benefit strategically from a more positive culture.
Offering contributions based upon your definition of a positive culture and its impact on an organisation.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas related to positive cultures in organisations.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 6 Collaboration Forum" link.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at:
or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 7 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: CSR and decision making
Corporate social responsibility is one of the most frequently identified issues that organisations in all sectors have to deal with.
There are a range of reasons that organisations engage in the CSR activities. One organisation may take the position of enlightened self-interest – where the organisation realizes that there are significant benefits to behaving in a socially responsible way and that it can significantly enhance social capital. Another may view the triple bottom line (economic, social, and environmental) as its core values that guide all that it does. Furthermore, some organisations see CSR as part of their DNA and make it a strategic capability – that is a before-profit consideration – whilst for others, it is more of an after-profit consideration – a discretionary activity that comes after the financial requirements have been satisfied. Both perspectives have validity and both have champions and critics; however the subject of CSR and its relationship to ethical decision making are important topics that all organisations must address.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 7.
Reflect on the concept of CSR and relationship to ethical decision making.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically analyse the relationship between corporate social responsibility and ethical decision making.  In your analysis, critically examine the ethical frameworks that support your own strategic decisions and how they may or may not reflect the CSR policies of your organisation or one with which you are familiar.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What are the ethical underpinnings of CSR?  How are these underpinnings applied to the strategic decisions of organisations?
·         What ethical frameworks support your strategic decisions and how might they be applied to organisations?
·         What is the role of stakeholders in the CSR policies and strategies of organisations?
·         How might the reasons an organisation engages in CSR be a reflection of the ethical nature of the organisation itself?
By Day 3 (Saturday),  submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 7 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: How ethical are you?
‘Answer true or false: “I am an ethical manager”. If you answered “true,” here’s an uncomfortable fact: You’re probably not’. (Banaji, et al., 2003)
As you may have discovered in your professional experiences, being a manager can be a difficult challenge, especially when faced with ethical and moral tests or decisions. To some, managers are viewed as the ethical leaders of organisations and the culture at the top influences ethical behaviour throughout an entire organisation. What ethical frameworks guide your personal decisions? How might those frameworks influence your professional strategic decisions? As you review your Key Concept Exercise this week, consider how ethical you are and how you have responded to ethical or moral tests in your professional life.
Reference: Banaji, M. R, Bazerman, M. H. & Chugh, D. (2003) ‘How (un)ethical are you?’, Harvard Business Review, December.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 7 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 7.
Reflect on your personal definition of ethics with respect to managing and making strategic decisions.
Think about the ethical frameworks of your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) and how they are reflected in strategic decisions.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 7 to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Asking insightful questions about ethical frameworks that support strategic decision making in a colleague’s organisation.
Supporting or refuting a colleague’s assertions with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
Offering contributions based upon the literature and your prior experience with corporate social responsibility.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Weeks 7 Collaboration Forum" link.
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Individual Assignment: Evaluating peer-reviewed articles
Honing your academic writing skills is important as you progress through your graduate studies. Finding and evaluating academic literature will help you support arguments and provide an important base of knowledge to inform your leadership practice. Peer-reviewed journals offer a way to validate the quality of the information presented and gain new perspectives on the discipline.
Peer-reviewed articles are articles that have gone through a review process by scholars in the field prior to being published in a journal. They help ensure that the information reflects the field of study appropriately and contributes to the body of knowledge for that field. The University of Liverpool Online Library offers an option to search for peer-reviewed articles. This Assignment will give you practice in selecting, evaluating, and summarising articles.
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
Review the University of Liverpool Library Guides for the Online Library and the field of strategic management.
Review the grading criteria for Individual Assignments in the Criteria for Assessment Rubrics, available in the Syllabus.
Consider the Key Concepts this week of corporate social responsibility and ethical decision making and the topics within which interest you.
To complete this Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday):
Complete the following:
Locate two peer-reviewed journal articles in the Online Library related to this week’s topic and your topic of interest.
In approximately 1,000 words:
·         Briefly explain the topic on which you selected the articles and why it interests you.
·         Briefly summarise each article and explain:
·         Your process and rationale for selecting the article;
·         One or two ideas from the article and how they relate to the Key Concepts this week;
·         Whether the ideas from the article add to your knowledge about your selected topic and what information you find valuable and/or missing from the article.
Include a properly formatted reference list which includes your two articles.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to the Turnitin link provided.
Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 7 Individual Assignment -- Turnitin.
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Week 8 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio to Turnitin.

Key Concept Exercise: Core organisational capabilities
All organisations, regardless of sector, have a range of strategic resources that they configure to contribute to their competitive advantage or superior performance. Such capabilities combine tangible resources with the organisational know-how specific to each business (such as learning or dealing with change) to make significant contributions to perceived customer benefit.
These capabilities must meet the VRIO (Value, Rarity, Inimitability and Organisation) criteria and combine scarce organisational-specific resources with widely available resources that all organisations have access to. Additionally, they must be aligned to the external context to ensure that they meet the needs of the markets and stakeholder groups that the organisations service.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 8.
Reflect on the strategic resources that contribute to an organisation’s competitive advantage.
Consider the strategic capabilities and resources of your organisation or one with which you are familiar.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Using the VRIO criteria, evaluate whether the key strategic capabilities and resources of the organisation you work for (or one with which you are familiar) are distinct. Then, critically examine the strategic analysis approach you would recommend for identifying how to use these capabilities and resources as means to contribute to the organisation’s competitive advantage and/or superior performance. Be sure to include specific references to the Learning Resources and prior experiences in your response.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What are the key strategic capabilities and internal resources of your organisation (or one with which you are familiar)?
·         What strategies would you employ as a manager to make use of the strategic capabilities and resources available?
·         How can managers ensure the successful development and management of strategic capabilities for organisations?
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and that the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 8 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Managing strategic capabilities
Organisational performance is a complex phenomenon and has many contributory factors. Although an organisation may possess the latest in terms of technology and facilities, the performance achievement of that organisation is critically dependent upon the inherent competencies, i.e. resources, available to it.
In much the same way as individual human performance is a function of abilities and levels of motivation which, of course, will vary from individual to individual; organisational performance is dependent upon facilities and levels of capability. Managers, then, need to consider how they manage not only resources, but also strategic capabilities and to what extent they can manage the development of strategic capabilities.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 8 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 8.
Reflect on how managers can manage and improve strategic capabilities to the benefit of the organisations.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 8 into the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Support or refuting the distinctiveness of a colleague’s capabilities using the VRIO criteria.
Offering an alternative analysis approach in identifying how to use the organisation’s capabilities and resources.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas regarding strategic capabilities and resources of organisations.
Offering contributions based upon the literature and your prior experience.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Weeks 8 Collaboration Forum" link.
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or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Personal Development Plan: Personal SWOT analysis
Completing your master’s degree should be an exciting journey full of opportunities for new learning and discovery, but you will undoubtedly face challenges along the way. Many other facets of your life will likely compete for your time and attention, and potentially distract you from your goals and discourage you from reaching them. Creating a Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) will help you document your accomplishments and help you maintain momentum throughout your programme.
Personal development should begin with a self-assessment of your personal goals, strengths, and areas for growth. The PDP assignments for this module include formulating your mission, vision and goals, as well as a personal SWOT analysis.
SWOT analysis is a powerful tool that you can use to assess your strengths and weakness, and anticipate threats and opportunities. By cultivating such awareness, individuals can gain valuable information that they can act upon to take advantage of the multiple opportunities available to them and seek assistance to meet the challenges they face.
To prepare for this PDP assignment:
Based upon the learning resources and your experience, reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as they relate to your personal brand and career development.
To complete this PDP assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday):
Create a document with four areas labelled strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Using bullet points fill in the document with your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as they relate to your career development.
Then, in approximately 500 words, provide a brief description and reflection of each of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
In formulating your PDP Assignment, consider the following questions:
·         What achievements or accolades have you received that highlight your strengths? Perhaps you received an award for producing exceptional results.
·         Which areas do you see for professional development? Perhaps there is a connection to a membership, journal or conference that you would like to attend.
·         What are the opportunities available? There might be an opportunity to link to groups working with emerging economies that you would like to pursue.
·         What could be a possible concern in your career development? Perhaps outsourcing has become a concern and is seen more as a threat than an opportunity.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your PDP Assignment to Turnitin.
Note: Be sure to read over your SWOT analysis before submitting it to Turnitin. Make sure the spelling and grammar for your assignment are correct and the citing, referencing and language you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Personal Development Portfolio to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 8 Personal Development Portfolio -- Turnitin.
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Week 9 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: External analysis
The external environment is the source of opportunity and threats for all organisations. The ability to read what can often be weak signals in this environment and react to them quickly or even to shape the environment can be a significant capability for any organisation to possess and can confer significant advantage. The alignment of products and services to meet the opportunities is a necessary activity to ensure that our organisations are relevant and continually deliver value to customers and other stakeholders.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 9.
Review the various frameworks for analysing the external environments of organisations.
Consider the changing and complex environments in business today and how those environments affect how organisations operate.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically evaluate the most useful environment analysis framework for organisations in a changing and complex environment. In your evaluation, critically examine how this framework adequately identifies the threats and opportunities of the environment for organisations and offer suggestions for how to improve the framework. Be sure to include specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experiences.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What are the most important concepts from the Learning Resources concerning the analysis and use of the external environment as a strategic capability?
·         What are the strengths and limitations of the frameworks for analysing an external environment? 
·         How might organisations use their external environment as a strategic capability?
·         How does analysis of the external environment impact the products and services an organisation provides?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 9 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Threats and opportunities in the marketplace
It is crucial to understand the specific threats and opportunities that can be drawn from environmental analysis. It is important when you think of the future of your organisation, the development of its new products and/or services and the role of the strategic manager.
Although you cannot predict the future, it is clear that, as a successful manager, you should try to analyse carefully the environment of the organisation. The frameworks and tools at your disposal may be numerous. What elements of an environmental analysis may be unique to your organisation or what could you add to existing frameworks and tools to give your organisation a competitive edge on the threats and opportunities in the marketplace?
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 9 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 9.
Consider threats and opportunities of your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) and how that organisation analyses and responds to them.
Reflect on the analysis frameworks in the Learning Resources and how they may benefit your organisation.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 9 to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Asking insightful questions regarding a colleague’s ideas on how their analysis framework identifies the threats and opportunities of an environment.
Supporting or refuting a colleague’s assertions with specific reference to the literature and your prior experience with external environment analysis.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas regarding the benefits of external environments as strategic capabilities for organisations.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 9 Collaboration Forum" link.
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Week 10 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.

Key Concept Exercise: Internationalisation drivers and global markets
What is the difference between globalisation and internationalisation? Globalisation tends to be an organisational concept where business grows into expanded global market. Internationalisation, on the other hand, refers to the importance of international trade and treaties and thus, forms the context that allows or encourages globalisation.
Internationalisation and globalisation are complex and require a well-developed set of organisational capabilities. Markets are not homogenous and even within markets there can be significant variations. Take, for example, that while the markets in China and the US differ greatly, within China there are significant variations.  It is important to note that this trend seen in all markets globally. How do organisations identify trends and determine whether their drive into a global market would be profitable?
For most businesses globalisation is the focus, however, for governments and NGOs, it is often the concept of internationalisation that is more important.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 10.
Reflect on the differences between globalisation and internationalisation
Think about the options available to organisations for global strategies
Consider Yip’s (2003) international drivers and how they might apply it to your organisation (or one with which you are familiar).
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
With Yip’s (2003) international drivers in mind, critically evaluate the potential for your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) to move into a global market with its products and/or services.  In your evaluation, suggest a global strategy you would recommend your organisation to adopt, and explain the risks and rewards of adopting your strategy.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         Using Yip’s (2003) internationalisation drivers, what are the key drivers of your organisation or one with which you are familiar?
·         What are the global strategy options available for organisations?
·         What are the risks and rewards of adopting a global strategy for any organisation?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 10 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Think global, act local
The generic options for organizations expanding into international markets and for globalisation are many; however, a fundamental tension lies between global integration and local responsiveness. Some products and services transfer easily across global markets whereas, others do not; and whilst there are clear benefits to standardizing production, marketing and service delivery in terms of economies of scale local values, customs, institutions and even laws may preclude this.
The idea behind Think Global, Act Local and similar strategies is that organisations can have a broad overarching global strategy incorporating both an awareness of the local market with their inherent capabilities, values and culture. Some organisations, e.g. HSBC, have developed this ability as a core organisational capability; whereas others stick to either a single global strategy or adopt a multi-country strategy approach with different approaches for different markets. It is important to remember that what is beneficial for one organisation in global strategies may not be beneficial for another.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 10 and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 10.
Reflect on the benefits and limitations of adopting a global strategy.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 10 to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Noting similarities and differences between your organisation’s potential in global markets.
Offering how a colleague’s organisation might benefit from a different global strategy.
Supporting or refuting a colleague’s ideas with specific references to the Learning Resources and you prior experiences.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas regarding globalisation, internationalisation and global strategies.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Weeks 9 Collaboration Forum" link.
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Week 11 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues in the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin.

Key Concept Exercise: Balanced score card
There are a wide range of tools for measuring organisational performance. Budgets and forecasts are common, as are benchmarks and financial ratios, for measuring financial performance. Many organisations often use staff surveys to ascertain the levels of job/employment satisfaction and regularly solicit the views of customers via focus groups and surveys.
The key issue for organisations is often in managing this data and translating it into information that can be used at a strategic level to measure and improve organisational performance. One of the more common performance measurement tools used in organisations is the Balanced Score Card (BSC). How would your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) benefit from the use of the BSC or would another tool be more aligned with its organisational objectives with regards to performance measurement?
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 11.
Reflect on tools and techniques available for measuring organisational performance.
Consider the benefits and limitations of each tool and technique and how your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) might benefit from each.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically evaluate which performance measurement tool would be most appropriate and beneficial for your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). Be sure to explain the benefits of the tool using specific examples from the literature and your prior experiences. In your evaluation, suggest a strategic option that may be available to your organisation with regards to its overall performance.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         If you were to apply the Balanced Score Card tool to your organisation (or one with which you are familiar), how would you summarise your organisation’s performance?
·         What is the benefit of using the BSC over other tools or techniques to measure organisational performance?  What are its limitations?
·         How are strategic options related to the outcomes of the measurement of an organisation’s performance?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 11 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Success criteria
What are success criteria for evaluating strategic options?
Such criteria can be summarised by the acronym SAF: Suitability, Acceptability and Feasibility. Suitability considers the alignment of the choices to the external context that the organization operates in (as analysed through a PESTEL or 5 Forces framework). Acceptability considers the level of risk and return from the perspective of key stakeholders and their expectations. Feasibility considers the practicalities of any choices and whether the organizational capabilities are able to support the choice (as analysed through such tools as a capability audit, value chain analysis or a cultural web). A strategic managers must not only understand these criteria in suggesting strategic options for their organisation, but also how to apply them to measure the potential success of options presented by colleagues.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources for Week 11 and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 11.
Consider the criteria for evaluating strategic options and how you as a manager may employ these criteria.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 11 to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Critically evaluating a colleague’s proposed strategic option using the SAF criteria.
Offering an alternative tool or technique to further define a colleague’s proposed option.
Asking insightful questions about your colleague’s interpretation of ideas from the Learning Resources.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas regarding measuring organisational performance.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 11 Collaboration Forum" link.
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Individual Assignment: BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Strategic implications
For this Individual Assignment, you are asked to incorporate the knowledge of strategic marketing concepts you have gained from this module thus far and the development of your skills in academic research and writing.
Using the information from the article, ‘BP’s Robert Dudley on the Gulf Oil Spill’s Legal Aftermath,’ in the Learning Resources this week, you will analyse the strategic implications of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Your analysis should include thoughtful consideration of the Key Concepts regarding strategic management in this module
While the provide article gives insight into the leadership’s responses to the spill in its aftermath, you will need to use the resource of the University of Liverpool’s Online Library to complete your assignment.
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
Read the article ‘BP’s Robert Dudley on the Gulf Oil Spill’s Legal Aftermath,’ (Barrett 2013), in the Required Learning Resources for Week 11.
Think about your Key Concept Exercises and Collaboration discussions from throughout the module and how strategic management concepts and theories may apply to BP’s strategy before, during and after the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Research the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and related strategic management concepts in the University of Liverpool Online Library.
To complete this Individual Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday):
In approximately 1000 words, critically analyse the following:
The key strategic and operational issues present in the accident’s events.
BP’s strategy before the accident occurred using an appropriate strategic analysis.
The implications of BP’s post-accident strategy in terms of public perception.
BP’s ability to strike a balance between its interests and wider needs and expectations in light of the strategic frameworks, models and theories you have encountered in this module.
Provide a properly formatted references list.
In formulating your analyses, consider the following questions:
·         What was BP’s strategy prior to the accident? How can its actions during and after the accident be understood in light of the strategic frameworks and concepts you have encountered?
·         How has public perception had an impact upon BP’s performance? What additional strategies has BP implemented to counteract these implications?
·         How has BP acted strategically, using its internal and external resources, to react to the Deepwater Horizon oil opill?  How might the organisation’s future strategic decisions incorporate its lessons learned from the event?
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your individual Assignment to the Turnitin link provided.
Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 11 Individual Assignment -- Turnitin.

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For only $60, our experts can help you develop your individual assignment in line with UOL standards. Feel free to contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO at: 0786 752 007
 Week 12 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Collaboration Initial Response to the Collaboration Forum.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your UoL Satisfaction Survey.

Collaboration: Leading change
Strategic management is often concerned with the management of change as managers identify when change is needed and how it might be implemented. A major theme of this module has been the alignment of internal resources with an organisation’s external context. As that external context is dynamic, complex and constantly changing, the need for managers to deal with change at a strategic level and for organisations to develop change management as a core capability has become an imperative in all sectors.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Read and watch the Required Learning Resources for Week 12.
Reflect on forces blocking and facilitating change within your organisation
Think about how managers in your organisation (or one with which you are familiar) approach leading strategic change
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday):
Complete the following:
Critically analyse the internal and external forces blocking and facilitating strategic change in your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). In your analysis, critically examine the approaches to strategic change management you would suggest for your organisation to lead change more effectively. Be sure to reference specific examples from the Learning Resources and your prior experiences in your analysis.
Until Day 7 (Wednesday):
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Asking insightful questions about the approaches to leading change in a colleague’s organisation.
Offering contributions based upon the literature and your prior experience.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas regarding strategic change management.
Offering an alternative perspective to that of a colleague referencing the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Weeks 12 Collaboration Forum" link.
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or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Personal Development Plan: Goal achievement plan
This week, you will complete the final Assignment in this module for your Professional Development Portfolio.
For this module, you will synthesise the previous PDP Assignments, taking into account feedback you have received from your Instructor into a Goal Achievement Plan for your career development. Your PDP will be a document you will regularly revisit throughout your programme; be sure to keep it in an accessible place so you can update it with new goals, reflections on your learning, and plans for further study, development and research.
To prepare for this PDP Assignment:
Download the PDP Goal Achievement Plan template and review the exemplar:
Review your previous PDP Assignments from this module – your mission, vision and goals (Week 4) and your SWOT analysis (Week 8)
Review the feedback from your instructor for each of your previous assignments and consider revisions to goals as a result of that feedback
Identify 3 goals related to your career development and think about how you wish to go about achieving each of those goals
To complete this PDP Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday):
Complete a detailed Goal Achievement Plan for three goals of your choice related to your career development.
For each of your goals, include a goal narrative, resources and timeline section.
A description of each section is as follows:
Goal Narrative
A statement of your goal
A brief description of the steps you intend to take to accomplish your goal
A description of the specific criteria by which you will measure whether your goal has been achieved
Your resources section should include three resources with a description of how each is relevant to your goal.
Your resources must include the following:
One reading (book, periodical, journal, etc.)
One Internet resource
Another resource of your choice which may also include:
Attendance at one conference, seminar or presentation
One-on-one informal interview or discussion with a professional in a role that you would be interested in as a graduate
A description of each action step and timing for achieving each goal
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio to the Turnitin link provided.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Personal Development Portfolio to Turnitin, click the "View/Complete" link for Week 12 Personal Development Portfolio -- Turnitin.
Our experts can help you develop your PDP in line with UOL standards. Feel free to contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO at: 0786 752 007

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