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KMGT 715 Contemporary Consumer and Customer Behaviour

Week 1 Assessments
By Day 1 (Thursday), submit the Academic Integrity Declaration
By Day 1 (Thursday), submit your Personal Introduction to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: The importance of consumer behaviour
‘The company hadn’t grasped the notion that ads increasingly interact. For instance, a TV spot can prompt a Google search that leads to a click-through on a display ad that, ultimately, ends in a sale. To tease apart how its ads work in concert across media and sales channels, our client recently adopted new, sophisticated data-analytics techniques’. (Nichols, 2013)
Examining consumer behaviour is important for all industries as it contributes to the designing of more effective marketing strategies. In the Key Concept Exercise, you focus on the industry you are working in and critically evaluate the importance and benefits of understanding consumer behaviour.
Nichols, W. (2013) ‘Advertising analytics 2.0’, Harvard Business Review [Online]. Available from: (Accessed: 24 August 2016).
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 1.
Think about the importance of consumer behaviour within your industry.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Evaluate the importance of consumer behaviour and explain its role in designing marketing strategies. Justify your arguments by providing examples from your experience.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following question:
Why is it important to study consumer behaviour in the industry you are working?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
The Key Concept Exercise for this week is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback—give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 1 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin - FF.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Discussing ways in which different consumer characteristics could be incorporated in effective marketing strategies
Assessing the role of other disciplines in explaining consumer behaviour
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. luxury products, the role of social media in understanding consumer behaviour, innovative methods of consumer research, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 1 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 2 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: Cognitive and affective responses in advertising
Consumers respond positively or negatively to an advertising stimulus.
Determinants of forming a positive or negative attitude towards the advertised product include cognitive and affective processing. Consumers rely on cognitive and/or affective systems to respond to a particular advertisement.
This week, you will focus on cognitive and affective consumer responses in advertising and critically evaluate the differences between them.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 2.
Consider the differences between cognitive and affective consumer behaviour.
Recall or search for examples of advertisements that exhibit the differences between cognitive and affective responses discussed in your Key Concept Exercise.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically analyse the differences between cognitive and affective consumer responses to advertising. Provide relevant examples for supporting your arguments.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
What are the main differences between cognitive and affective consumer responses to advertising?
Bring up two relevant examples from your personal or professional experience for supporting your arguments.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 2 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Influencing cognitive decisions
In cognitive behaviour, consumers purchase a product after information processing.
The cognitive decision-making is influenced by various factors. Advertisement, which was discussed in the Key Concept Exercise, is one factor that may significantly affect consumers in cognitive decisions. In the Collaboration, you will analyse other factors that could affect the cognitive decision-making process.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 2.
Consider which factors, apart from advertisement, influenced your decision to buy the car you currently own (or the car you would like to own). You may refer, for example, to psychological, sociocultural, promotion and/or product mix influences.
To complete this Collaboration:
Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 2 to the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Discussing ways in which marketers could encourage consumers making both cognitive and affective decisions
Analysing consumer emotions that play an important role in affective behaviour
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. the influence of demographic characteristics in cognitive and affective consumer behaviour, the role of mood in affective decisions, the impact of personality, conflicts that may exist between affect and cognition, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 2 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 3 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio

Key Concept Exercise: High and low involvement in the wine market
Involvement may play a central role in the wine market and this consumer characteristic could significantly affect marketing strategies.
Low- and high-involvement wine consumers have different demographic and behavioural characteristics. Bruwer et al. (2014) discuss the profile for low- and high-involvement wine consumers, which could lead to important marketing implications for the wine market.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Bruwer et al. (2014) article as well as the additional two required Learning Resources for Week 3.
Reflect on differences between low-involvement and high-involvement wine consumers as discussed by Bruwer et al. (2014).
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
·         Critically analyse the marketing implications of low- and high-involvement products.
·         In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following issues:
·         Summarise and critically comment on the most important differences between low-involvement and high-involvement wine consumers as discussed by Bruwer et al. (2014).
·         Briefly discuss the managerial implications based on the article’s results.
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 3 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Influencing consumer involvement
Low-involvement products are not as important for consumers and, thus, are usually selected without significant effort (e.g. impulsively).
Marketers would ideally prefer consumers to have high involvement for their product categories. Changing low into high involvement may be challenging and time consuming.
Focusing on the wine industry, in this Collaboration you will propose specific strategies that wine companies could adopt for changing low involvement into high involvement.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 3.
Reflect on the two strategies by which wine marketers could change consumers’ involvement from low to high.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 3 to the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 responses to your fellow students in one or more of the following ways:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Discussing methods and techniques for measuring involvement
Analysing the differences between situational and enduring involvement
Discussing relevant examples based on your personal and professional experience
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. the influence of demographics on involvement, characteristics of high- and low-involvement advertisements, motivations and high-involvement products, social media and involvement, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 3 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Personal Development Portfolio
How will the subject of consumer behaviour inform your personal and professional development goals?
Throughout this module, you will reflect upon consumer behaviour to update goals, modify steps, add resources and adjust timelines as you continue through your master’s programme.
To prepare for this PDP assignment:
Reflect on your definition of consumer behaviour.
To complete this PDP assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Explain how understanding consumer behaviour would contribute to the improvement of your personal and professional skills.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio.
This assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor's feedback—give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
The final submission of your PDP will be in Week 8.
To submit your Personal Development Portfolio to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 3 Personal Development Portfolio -- Turnitin - FF.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 4 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: Attitude-behaviour gap
Research studies have demonstrated that there is a gap between consumers’ intentions and their actual behaviour.
Although this gap is important for consumer behaviour, researchers have not yet given a full explanation. This gap is more prominent for some product/service categories than others.
In this week’s Key Concept Exercise, you will evaluate the gap between consumer intentions and actual behaviour.
Read the Carrington et al. (2010) and Lee et al. (2014) articles from the Week 4 Learning Resources.
Consider the gap between consumer purchase intentions and actual buying behaviour.
Search for additional academic articles related to the topic in the University’s online library.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
·         Critically evaluate the gap between consumer intentions and actual behaviour.
·         Based on the weekly readings and other academic sources found in the University’s online library:
·         Explain why there is a gap between consumer purchase intentions and actual buying behaviour.
·         For which products or services is the gap more significant? Why?
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 4 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Changing attitudes
When consumers have a negative attitude towards a brand or a product, they do not buy it and they usually spread negative WOM (word of mouth).
As a result, negative attitudes could have undesirable consequences for the company. Negative attitudes could be formed due to various reasons (e.g. bad experience in the past, negative WOM, low assessment of certain important characteristics, etc.). For this Collaboration, you should focus on a particular brand and describe the factors that played a role in forming your negative attitude towards the brand. Ways for potentially changing your negative attitude should also be proposed.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 4.
Select a brand for which you have a negative attitude. Consider two key factors that contributed to the formation of this negative attitude. Think of two ways through which the company could potentially change your attitude towards the product.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 4 to the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Discussing strategies for changing consumer attitudes
Discussing factors that contribute to the existence of the gap between attitudes and real behaviour
Discussing relevant examples based on your personal and professional experience
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. the influence of demographics and personality traits on self-reporting of attitudes, methods and techniques for effectively measuring attitudes, innovative strategies for changing the attitudes of loyal consumers, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 4 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 5 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment

Key Concept Exercise: Case study
Several past research studies have shown that consumer behaviour of older consumers differ compared to the behaviour of younger individuals.
Cuddeford-Jones (2014) describes some important characteristics of female fashion consumers over 50 and argues that this age group may be an attractive segment for marketers.
For this Key Concept Exercise you will begin to analyse differences in decision-making process among age groups.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 5.
Consider the Cuddeford-Jones (2014) article. You may also find the East et al. (2014) article useful for detecting some unique characteristics of older consumers.
Search for additional academic articles related to the topic in the University’s online library.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Based on Cuddeford-Jones’s (2014) article and on your own personal or professional experience, critically analyse the main characteristics of female fashion consumers over 50 years old.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
What are the differences in decision-making process among age groups?
What are some important marketing implications for fashion retailers targeting women over 50?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 5 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Collaboration: Types of decision-making processes
Behind a simple decision-making process, there are many processes which influence the decision-making.
A consumer may take an emotional decision, or he/she may take a well-researched decision. Based on his/her observation, different processes can be defined for decision-making.
Decisions are usually important for the consumer (e.g. a potential wrong decision includes a high level of perceived risk or the product is relatively expensive). On the other hand, some decisions require less effort and are less time consuming as the alternative products are not thoroughly evaluated.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 5.
Identify one clothing item, pair of shoes or accessory that you recently purchased following the (a) extensive and (b) limited types of decision-making. Provide an example of using both types of decision-making processes for different items.
Compare and contrast your two experiences.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 5 to the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post3–5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Discussing the impact of demographics on the decision-making process
Discussing factors that influence the ‘search’ and ‘evaluation’ stage of the decision-making process
Discussing differences in extended, limited and automatic decision-making process and relevant marketing strategies
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. ethical dimensions or dilemmas in the decision-making process, satisfied vs. dissatisfied consumer behaviour in the last stage of the decision-making process, the influence of family, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 5 Collaboration Forum" link.

Individual Assignment: Brand positioning
In this module, you work on a project focussing on the positioning of a product or service in a targeted market segment.
The project consists of two parts. Part 1 needs to be submitted this week. Part 2 and the final version of the project should be submitted in Week 7.
The project should focus on a product/service brand you are familiar with and its position in a targeted market segment.
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
For Part 1, think about a product/service brand you are familiar with.
To complete this Individual Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
·         Perform a real or a hypothetical segmentation of the market using only one criterion/variable (demographic, psychographic or behavioural). Describe the profile of each segment.
·         Identify the segment targeted by the company.
·         Describe the positioning of the brand and compare it to the positioning of two competitive brands.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment.
Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 5 Individual Assignment -- Turnitin.
For only $60, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Individual Assignment in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 6 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: Managing WOM
Word of mouth significantly influences consumers when purchasing a product.
Positive WOM could contribute to the better evaluation of the product, whereas negative WOM could prevent consumers from buying it. Companies could find ways for reducing the negative and maximising the positive effects of WOM.
For this Key Concept Exercise you will begin to evaluate the role of WOM in the decision-making process.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 6.
Search for additional academic articles related to the topic in the University’s online library.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically discuss the role of WOM in decision-making process.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What is the role of WOM in the decision-making process?
·         What strategies could companies use for encouraging positive WOM and reduce the consequences of negative WOM?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 6 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Characteristics of opinion leaders
Opinion leaders usually influence others in one product category.
It’s important to detect opinion leaders as their role could be incorporated in the company’s marketing strategies. In this week’s Collaboration, you need to identify your characteristics as opinion leaders.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 6.
Reflect on which product category you are (or are likely to be) an opinion leader.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 6 to the Collaboration Forum.
Explain which of your personality and behavioural characteristics contribute to you being an opinion leader in a certain product category.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. , WOM vs. WOM based on rumours, the future of e-opinion leadership, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 6 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 7 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment

Key Concept Exercise: Analysing national cultural dimensions
Hofstede’s model is the most popular tool for defining national cultures. It includes five dimensions: Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance and Long-/Short-Term Orientation.
Analysing cultural characteristics based on the above dimensions could reveal interesting insights for marketers and could enhance marketing strategies.
In this week’s Key Concept Exercise, you will explore the impact of culture on consumer behaviour. You will also apply Hofstede’s model to your own national culture.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 7.
Read the de Mooij and Hofstede (2011) article.
Search for additional academic articles related to the topic in the University’s online library.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically analyse the role of culture in consumer behaviour as described by de Mooij and Hofstede (2011) by applying Hofstede’s model to your own national culture. Provide relevant examples that support your point of view.
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What impact does culture have on customer behaviour?
·         How would you apply Hofstede’s model to your own national culture?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 7 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Characteristics of subculturest
Subcultures are part of national culture. Consumers belonging to a particular subculture may exhibit patterns of behaviour and use products or services that significantly differ from other subcultures.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 7.
Select two subcultures from your country (national culture). Describe their unique characteristics (e.g. products/services they purchase, influences, involvement levels, attitudes towards brands, etc.).
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 7 to the Collaboration Forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Supporting others’ views or providing an alternative perspective
Discussing the impact of culture and subcultures in consumer behaviour
Discussing the relationship between culture and marketing strategies
Discussing various characteristics of different subcultures
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. standardisation vs. localisation and adaptation, cultures of consumption, failures of global marketing strategies due to lack of cultural sensitivity, subcultures as niche markets, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 7 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Individual Assignment: Marketing practices
For your second Individual Assignment, you will evaluate, propose and analyse marketing practices.
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
Revise Part 1 based on your Instructor’s feedback.
To complete this Individual Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Complete Part 2: In approximately 1,000 words, propose and analyse marketing practices through which the brand could become more competitive and increase its market share.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment.
Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 7 Individual Assignment -- Turnitin.
For only $60, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Individual Assignment in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007
Week 8 Assessments
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your final Personal Development Portfolio

Key Concept Exercise: Segmenting a consumer market
Segmentation offers multiple benefits for the company as consumers’ needs are explored in depth.
Segmentation may be based on different variables/criteria. Press and Simms (2010), for example, present a benefit segmentation analysis of tooth whitening services. Khoo-Lattimore and Prayag (2015) offer several segmentation examples from the travel industry.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 8.
Read the articles by Press and Simms (2010) and Khoo-Lattimore and Prayag (2015) for identifying examples of segmentation.
Search for additional academic articles related to the topic in the University’s online library.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In an approximately 500-word response, address the following issues/questions:
Critically evaluate two variables/criteria that are often used in consumer segmentation.
Segment a market of your choice and describe the derived groups (the segmentation should be theoretical and should be based on secondary sources and your personal and professional experience—no data collection is needed).
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
What are the criteria/variables used for segmenting consumer markets?
What segmentation tools can you apply in a consumer market?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action in a real organisation about which you have read or one in which you have worked.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 08 Key Concept Exercise -- Turnitin.

Collaboration: Brand positioning
In the Key Concept Exercise you segmented a market of your choice and described the derived segments. The next step is to analyse the product/brand positioning based on the characteristics of the consumer groups.
This week’s Collaboration will enable you to engage with your colleagues in a further exploration of the important ideas and issues you studied in your Key Concept Exercise.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise for Week 8.
Reflect on the positioning of a brand/product/service targeting a specific segment derived from the segmentation you performed in the Key Concept Exercise.
To complete this Collaboration:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
Post your Key Concept Exercise into the Collaboration forum.
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3–5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Discussing segmentation techniques and product positioning strategies
Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different segmentation variables
Discussing various characteristics of different segments described in your colleagues’ Key Concept Exercises
Asking probing questions to learn more about your colleagues’ views
Extending the conversation into new but relevant areas (e.g. hybrid segmentation, segmentation as a dynamic process, the impact of culture in the segmentation of international markets, criteria for effective targeting, etc.)
Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the "Week 8 Collaboration Forum" link.
For only $30, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Personal Development Portfolio: Reflecting on your Personal Development Portfolio
This week, you will complete the final phase of your Personal Development Portfolio.
Throughout this module, you have been working towards the creation of your Personal Development Portfolio.
Your PDP will be a document you will regularly revisit throughout your programme; be sure to keep it in an accessible place so you can update it with new goals, reflections on your learning and plans for further study, development and research.
To prepare for this PDP assignment:
Revise Part 1 based on the comments received from your Instructor.
To complete this PDP assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Complete Part 2: Identify two topics/issues analysed in this module that are the most important for you and discuss how these could benefit your professional career.
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your Personal Development Portfolio to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 8 Personal Development Portfolio -- Turnitin.
For only $60, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

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