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KMPA-105 Working Across Boundaries

Week 1 Seminar
Hybrid organisations
A direct result of rapid societal changes, new organisational regimes emerged to meet multifaceted needs of contemporary management settings, both public and private. Among these, hybrid organisational forms are essential in part because they are well equipped to address the persistent lapses experienced in bureaucratic and markets driven forms of organisation. Structurally, hybrids are characterised by functions crossing the public, private, and voluntary sectoral boundaries.
While some believe hybrids are nothing new and that they are mere modification of existing traditional forms of organisation, others argue to the contrary and suggest that they offer a new kind of utility. Given these differing perspectives, it would be interesting to critically analyse hybrid forms of organisations that cross both structural and functional boundaries and traditional forms of organisation.
For this week’s Seminar:
Consider organisations operating as “cross boundaries” hybrids.
As you review the characteristics of hybrid and other modes of organisations, consider the rationale for these organisational structures.
Reflect on how the modes of governance have come to co-exist within the chosen ‘hybrids’.
Also consider whether a ‘pure’ organisational form is possible in those particular contexts and if an organisation would derive strength from such an organisational form.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on modes of organisation.
Research at least one organisation that leverages a hybrid form of organisation and one organisation that leverages traditional forms of organisation. These may be organisations for which you work or ones with which you are familiar.
Identify the challenges, opportunities and benefits that are linked with hybrid as well as traditional forms of organisation.
To complete this Seminar:
Initial Response
By Saturday (Day 3), in a response of approximately 300-500 words, address the following issues/questions:
·         Analyse how your researched organisation reflects a hybrid mode or form and how this enables it to work across boundaries.
·         Include your thoughts about management challenges posed by hybrid organisations in general.
Fully justify all your assumptions and claims using your own experience, the Learning Resources or your own research. Cite your work using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.
By Wednesday (Day 7), post three to five responses to your colleagues by:
Comparing your views on the nature of hybridity and management challenges in hybrid organisations
Offering constructive comments on your colleagues’ posts
Offering contributions based upon your prior experience
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas
Modelling or promoting critical reflection from what you have read
Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity
Suggested Answer
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Week 2 Seminar
In the past two modules, you have explored the maltreatment of patients at the Mid Staffordshire Hospital. Exposed by bereaved family members, one of the predominant questions has been whether this entire disaster could have been avoided. Moreover, with many of the hospital staff being aware of the issues, why did no one speak up?
Many organisations today at least attempt to follow practices in transparency. This means that they disclose a minimum amount of information to any parties involved (in the case of Mid Staffordshire, this would be patients and immediate family). The idea is to provide affected parties, be they patients or staff in this case, the necessary information they need to make effective decisions and ensure that no hidden agendas exist. Clearly, such transparency requirements did not exist for Mid Staffordshire, but would it have made any difference, if they existed? Today, there is an increasing acceptance and use of social media in work contexts; would the use of these media have impacted differently on the Mid Staffordshire situation?
In this week’s materials, you are asked to analyse the degree to which the Mid Staffordshire Hospital crisis would have emerged -- or might have been avoided entirely -- had there been more exposure via social media. Indeed, the Seminar raises the question of how governments, private companies and NGOs -- to name but a few organisations -- can emplace technological architecture so that communities, local and national news media, and in the case of Mid Staffordshire, the patient families, would have had greater notice in terms of what was happening during a time of upheaval, neglect and malfeasance.
Through your Seminar this week you will analyse whether greater organisational transparency or the influences of social media would have affected the outcomes (if the incident was to occur today). Please note that this marks the start of your first two-week Seminar. Moreover, this week, you will complete your first submission for your Personal Development Portfolio (PDP), in which you will evaluate social media as a tool for research.
For this Seminar, consider these questions and reflect on how organisations could use social media in ways helpful to achieving better accountability behaviours and governance outcomes as in the case of Mid Staffordshire.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on transparency in organisations.
Review the Francis Report (2013), including the executive summary, in this week’s Learning Resources.
Research and identify examples of transparency impact on organisational behaviour.
Consider how transparency and social media might have affected the hospital staff, patients and patients’ families at Mid Staffordshire.
Reflect on who else, external to the organisation, may have known about the problems in Mid Staffordshire and why they may have chosen not to bring issues to light.
To complete this Seminar:
Initial Response
By Sunday (Day 4), in a response of approximately 300-500 words, address the following issues/questions:
·         What might explain the issues at Mid Staffordshire not having been brought to light by external organisations working with the Trust?
·         Consider whether transparency requirements could have changed behaviour and averted the tragic outcomes. Provide at least one example to support your analysis.
Based on your analysis, explain how you think social media might have affected hospital staff, patients, and patients’ families. Be sure to justify your reasoning.
By Wednesday (Day 7), post three to five responses to your colleagues’ post in which you:
Analyse the impact of transparency on an organisation’s behaviour. Provide one or more examples to support your analysis.
Review your colleagues’ posts and respond to several of them. For each of their examples, provide your analysis of whether social media would have made a difference, or not.
Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This week, you will be graded only on your initial response to the Seminar questions and receive a formative evaluation of your Collaboration responses. Next week, you will be graded on your Collaboration responses for both Weeks 2 and 3 as well as your synthesis of the Seminar topic.
Submit your initial response to the Turnitin link provided and post to the Seminar Forum.
Next week, you will continue this Seminar by examining the Mid Stafford Hospital incident in the context of conflicting Hippocratic responsibilities and budgetary demands.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 2 Personal Development Portfolio
Social media
Social media has become a ubiquitous tool for organisations around the globe. Connecting billions of users worldwide, social media platforms have informed individuals in a manner unlike any previous generation. Opinions, new perspectives, emerging research, political agendas and more are now attainable without borders, granting users access to knowledge and news from Korea to South Africa; from Brazil to Canada. It provides a tool for marketing products, an engine for international communication or even a forum for debates and accountability. However, for all social media’s benefits, it does not come without drawbacks.
While social media can be a source for important insights, it is also susceptible to skewed opinions and digital forms of social engineering (Merrill et al,, 2011). While it can bolster organisational trust by offering transparency, social media can also become a liability. Understanding both the benefits and dangers of social media is crucial to its effective usage. As such, for your first Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) submission, you are to reflect upon these opposing issues as they apply to researching a public sector organisation or NGO of interest to you. Take note that this will tie into your Module Project, so you should utilise the same organisation that you will use for that project.
Reminder: Your first deliverable for the Module Project will be assigned next week.
Merrill, T., Latham, K., Santalesa, R., & Navetta, D. (2011) Social media: the business benefits may be enormous, but can the risks – reputational, legal, operational – be mitigated? [Online]. ACE Group. Available from (Accessed 13 November 2015).
To prepare for this Assignment:
Select a cross-boundary public sector organisation or NGO of interest to you. This may be an organisation you work for or one with which you are familiar.
Identify the benefits and challenges of social media as a research tool in general.
Identify different social media platforms that may be viable tools for researching your chosen organisation.
Reflect on the value and efficacy of social media as a research tool for your selected organisation and consider any insights it could provide.
Reflect on the value of social media in facilitating organisational transparency.
To complete this Assignment:
By Wednesday (Day 7), submit a response of approximately 500 words that addresses the following questions:
·         Briefly describe your selected organisation and explain how social medial impacts its organisational transparency.
·         Explain the benefits and challenges of using social media as a research tool for your selected organisation.
·         Based on your explanations, evaluate the efficacy of social media as a research tool for your selected topic.
·         Explain what insights, if any, social media could provide for researching your selected organisation.
·         Explain which, if any, social media platforms would be the most viable tools for your research. Be sure to justify your reasoning.
This Assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor's feedback. Give the Assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free PDP  in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 3 Seminar
Professional boundaries
All the stakeholders at the Mid Staffordshire Hospital represent one or another profession, and they are bound by their various professional codes of conduct. In the midst of the scandal, an infinite number of questions remain to be answered. For instance why was medical integrity not protected from management? Why did these standards not stop poor performance? And how did nurses and doctors, each with their own professional identities, help or hinder exposure? What of questions of power in the relationships? How did the self-governing aspect of these professional bodies not work? Why did nobody challenge the instances of poor performance of other members of their profession? What did other outside agencies/professionals know of the problems?
In this week’s seminar, you will continue to consider the Mid Staffordshire tragedy as you analyse the professional boundaries and authority associated with the hospital and how this impacted the upholding of professional responsibilities. Additionally, you will submit the first deliverable for your Module Project. In this submission, you will examine the boundaries within the organisation you selected for last week’s PDP assignment and evaluate the degree in which said boundaries affect professional and ethical conduct.
For this week’s seminar:
Consider how Stafford’s medical professionals subverted their Hippocratic responsibilities for their patients in order to adhere to budgetary demands.
Think about how their actions violated ethical codes of conduct in order to support financial goals.
In your view, is professional authority fading?
Are professional boundaries becoming weaker? Consider the ethical and professional codes of conduct that traditionally informed these occupations.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on ethical responsibilities in the medical field.
Review the Francis (2013) report in this week’s Learning Resources.
Review your Week 2 Seminar as necessary.
Reflect on the degree in which Mid Staffordshire’s medical professionals upheld their Hippocratic responsibilities.
Reflect on the impact budgetary demands had upholding these Hippocratic responsibilities and whether a weakening of professional authority and/or professional boundaries played a role.
Identify the ethical and professional codes of conduct that traditionally informed medical occupations at the time of the Mid Staffordshire incident and those within the nation in which you reside today.
To complete this Seminar:
Collaboration, continued
Until Monday (Day 5), for this Collaborative activity, analyse the impact of professional boundaries in your organisation by posting three to five responses to your colleagues considering the following points in your discussion:
Describe whether cross-boundary organisations contribute to stronger or weaker professional conduct
Review your colleagues’ posts and respond to several who offer a perspective that differs from your own. Provide an example that either challenges or corroborates their arguments.
Ensure that you spread your Seminar posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
Individual Synthesis
By Wednesday (Day 7), post a final summary of approximately 250 words of what you have learned from this activity, including any shifts in your understanding relating to the impact of transparency, social media, profession authority and boundaries on employee practices. Incorporate examples from the Learning Resources, your own research and/or your own experience to support your work.
Submit your summary to the Turnitin link and post to the Seminar Forum.
Module Project
Organisational and professional boundaries
Over the course of the last 3 weeks, you may have noticed what constitutes an organisational boundary is heavily dependent upon the perspective of the person defining it. In the most literal sense, such boundaries may be the division of departments and subsidiaries within an organisation, each of which manage their own specialities. Conversely, other boundaries -- such as the professional boundaries explored in this week’s Seminar -- may be more intangible and implicit. Regardless of their nature, organisational boundaries always have an impact on an organisation and its members.
For this first deliverable of your Module Project, you will select a public service and reflect on the organisational and professional boundaries which it entails. How do boundaries affect professional and ethical codes of practice? Consider whether professions are weakened or enhanced – or perhaps both.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on effects of organisational boundaries on professional and ethical codes of practice.
Research the cross-boundary public service you selected in the Week 2 PDP submission.
Identify the boundaries within your service. These may be international boundaries, organisational boundaries, professional boundaries or any other boundary that is significant.
Reflect on how these boundaries affect the professional and ethical codes of practice within your selected service.
Reflect on whether professions within your service are weakened, enhanced or both.
Review the Week 1 Module Project preview and look ahead to the upcoming deliverables in Week 5 and Week 8.
Identify 3-5 scholarly resources that you will use to inform your work throughout the Module Project.
To complete this Assignment:
By Wednesday (Day 7), submit a brief (approximately 500 words) paper in which you address the following:
Briefly describe your selected cross-boundary service.
Explain what boundaries exist within your selected public service.
Analyse how your identified boundaries affect professional and ethical codes of practice within that service.
Based on your analysis, evaluate the degree in which professions involved in the service are weakened, enhanced or both.
Fully justify all your assumptions and claims using your own experience, the Learning Resources or your own research. Cite your work using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.
Module Project Outline
In addition to your paper, complete a one-page outline for the entirety of your Module Project. Include key details regarding your selected cross-boundary service and 3-5 scholarly resources that you will use to inform your work. Cite your resources using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System. Include your outline in the same Word document as your paper.
This Assignment should be prepared and submitted to Turnitin using the Word (.doc or .docx) format no later than midnight your local time.
Suggested Answer
For only $15, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project Proposal in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 4 Seminar
While NASA has historically been a global leader in space exploration as well as aeronautical and aerospace research, that position has not come without its drawbacks. Due to the scope of what NASA attempts to accomplish, the organisation has developed complex supply chains that consist of any number of specialist, third party vendors and contractors. This illustrates well the double-edge that comes associated with organisational complexity. While complexity can allow for more robust capabilities, it also incubates greater opportunities for mistakes and oversights. Considering this, and with so much oversight having occurred in the Challenger incident, one has to ask: How much did organisational complexity contribute to Challenger’s failure? Would simplicity have encouraged greater accountability and responsibility? And how did complexity affect the individual’s sense of agency and responsibility? In this next 2-week Seminar, consider these questions as you analyse the relationships between organisational complexity and individual agency. Moreover, take a position on whether you think complex organisations are capable of producing quality decisions.
For your Seminar this week, you will analyse this complexity as it impacts individual agency, accountability and decision making. You will also complete your second deliverable for your PDP in which you will analyse your own personal network as it pertains to your professional development.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on organisational complexity and individual agency.
Review your earlier discussions of the case and identify the strengths and weaknesses of organisational complexity.
Reflect on the relationship(s) between organisational complexity, individual agency and decision-making.
To complete this Seminar:
Initial Response
By Sunday (Day 4), in a response of approximately 300-500 words, address the following issues/questions:
·         Analyse how organisational complexity and individual agency interrelate.
·         Based on your analysis and perceived strengths and weaknesses of organisational complexity, evaluate the degree in which organisational complexity leads to failure. Use examples from the Challenger disaster and/or your own research to support your evaluation.
·         Explain whether you think complex organisations are capable of producing quality decisions. Justify your opinions with specific examples from your research.
By Wednesday (Day 7), post three to five responses to your colleagues by:
Supporting or refuting your colleagues’ position on whether organisational simplicity would have encouraged greater agency and responsibility in the Challenger case.
Comparing perspectives on whether complex organisations are capable of producing quality decisions.
Offering contributions based upon your prior experience.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection from what you have read.
Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This week, you will be graded only on your initial response to the Seminar questions and receive a formative evaluation of your Collaboration responses. Next week, you will be graded on your Collaboration responses for Weeks 4 and 5, as well as your synthesis of the Seminar topic.
Submit your initial response to the Turnitin link provided and post to the Seminar Forum.
Suggested Answer
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Week 4 Personal Development Portfolio
Personal networks
A great deal of one’s success is often attributed to the ability to network with other people. In this sense, cultivating your career is just as much about fostering your personal networks as it is building your tangible skills. Social media has made this much easier, though we may question the strength of some of the ties we develop through social media.
For this Assignment, take a moment to reflect upon your own networks, both online and offline. With whom are you connected? How strong are these connections? In what networks do they circulate? Do you have network connections with key influencers? Answering these questions will clarify the strengths and weaknesses of your personal network and give you a better idea of what you need to do to improve it. As such, for this next PDP submission, your task is to analyse your personal network and develop a network map that represents it. Using this map, you are to identify the areas of your network that require further development in order to grow your professional career. You will also identify whether your networks pose any challenges or limits to your individual decision-making.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review your personal network(s) and identify those that are online, offline or both.
Reflect on your professional development goals and how your personal network(s) contribute to reaching these goals.
Identify the strengths in your network that provide opportunities for professional development and reaching your professional goals.
Identify which networks are most crucial to your professional development.
Identify the weaknesses in your personal network. This might include a lack of industry connections, minimal network diversity, networks unrelated to your professional development, connections with individuals with limited profiles on social media sites (e.g., LinkedIn) and so forth.
Identify any challenges these networks raise in your individual decision-making processes.
Research and choose from available network map templates; choose one which is adequate for documenting your personal network(s).
To complete this Assignment:
By Wednesday (Day 7), submit a response of approximately 500 words that addresses the following questions:
·         Develop a network map that illustrates your personal network(s).
·         Explain your network and include details on who you know, their relevance to your professional development, and whether you are connected through online, offline or hybrid means.
·         Evaluate the effectiveness of your personal network in terms of fostering your professional development and meeting your professional goals.
·         In your evaluation, explain which networks and connections are crucial to your professional development as well as the areas you need to develop further.
·         Identify which networks may pose any limits to your decision making.
This Assignment should be prepared and submitted to Turnitin using the Word (.doc or .docx) format no later than midnight your local time.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 5 Seminar
Self-correcting networks
There is evidence that points at the potential strengths of networks. Given that there is little prospect of an organisation like NASA taking on all aspects of the supply chain for a major space mission, how might those benefits of networks be brought more to the fore? What changes could have been made to the decision hierarchy to ensure that mistakes did not happen and that all crucial information – from any employee – could have been heard and acted upon? As you continue your Seminar discussions from last week, consider questions such as this and also how the NASA networks could have been designed to promote self-correction.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on self-correcting network structures and decision hierarchies.
Review your Week 4 Seminar and Challenger case studies as necessary.
Identify obstructions within the NASA organisational structure that impeded critical information.
Reflect on potential changes to NASA’s decision hierarchy that could have ensured crucial information from employees was heard and acted upon.
Reflect on network structure designs that promote collaboration and self-correction.
To complete this Seminar:
Collaboration, continued
Until Monday (Day 5), post three to five responses to your colleagues considering the following points in your discussion:
·         How obstructions within NASA’s organisational structure impeded critical information and decision making.
·         Improvements to NASA’s decision hierarchy with explanations on how your suggestions ensure critical information is always heard and able to be acted upon.
·         Changes that would promote collaboration and self-correction within the network structure and explanations on why these changes are viable.
Ensure that you spread your Seminar posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
Individual Synthesis
By Wednesday (Day 7), post a final summary of approximately 250 words of what you have learned from this activity, including any shifts in your understanding relating to organisational complexity, networks, collaboration, and decision making. Incorporate examples from the Learning Resources, your own research and/or your own experience to support your work.
Submit your summary to the Turnitin link and post to the Seminar Forum.
Module Project
Collaborative structures
In both the public and private sectors, organisational collaborations and partnerships may last only a short while (e.g. when an organisation seeks a partner to help it expand into another region), or they may continue long-term, in some cases becoming permanent, integrated structures. In all cases, the desired goal for these alliances is mutual benefit, creating what is known as collaborative advantage. For all of collaboration’s benefits, it also poses risks and challenges.
Despite the risks, if partnerships are developed properly, the collaborative advantages can outweigh the challenges. The question is how to maximise the benefits while mitigating risks and overcoming challenges. With these thoughts in mind, for this next Module Project deliverable, you are to analyse the hybrid or network structure of the public service you examined in the previous Module Project submission. Evaluate its capability to foster collaborative advantage and compare this ability to a non-collaborative structure, either within the same organisation or with another. As you do so, consider stakeholders and challenges relevant to developing collaborative advantage.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on generating collaborative advantage within an organisation or network.
Review the public service you examined in your last Module Project submission, focusing on its structure (e.g. hybrid or network structure).
Identify the organisations involved in delivering (and perhaps designing) the service and consider the goals of these organisations, their incentives to collaborate with each other, as well as with any outside organisations.
Identify relevant stakeholders and likely challenges to implementing effective collaboration with outside organisations.
To complete this Assignment:
By Wednesday (Day 7), submit a (approximately 1,500 words) paper in which you address the following:
·         For the service you have chosen, analyse whether its hybrid or network structure provides the organisations involved with collaborative advantages. Explain the basis of your evaluation.
·         Compare your structure’s capability to realise collaborative advantage with that of a non-collaborative structure.
·         Propose a strategy for fostering collaborative partnerships with outside organisations. In your proposal, address the following:
·         Describe key stakeholders in these partnerships and their relevance.
·         Explain why you selected your outside organisations as prospective collaborative partners and how these partnerships will aid in reaching your organisation’s goals.
·         Explain the likely challenges you may encounter when implementing your pathway to collaboration and how to overcome them.
Fully justify all your assumptions and claims using your own experience, the Learning Resources or your own research. Cite your work using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.
This Assignment should be prepared and submitted to Turnitin using the Word (.doc or .docx) format no later than midnight your local time.
Suggested Answer
For only $90, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 6 Seminar
Sources of authority
There are two predominant types of authority in organisations: formal authority and informal authority. The former refers primarily to power granted through appointment (e.g., your position in an organisation), while the latter refers to the influence an individual has as a result of his or her relationships with others. Understanding the lines and sources of such authority is key when it comes to maintaining authoritative boundaries and not understepping or overstepping them. If boundaries are respected, the potential capacity of an organisation (or organisations, if that is the case) is drastically improved. The contrary, however, is illustrated well by the 2010 Haiti earthquake relief efforts.
The disaster resulted in approximately 220,000 deaths and 300,000 injured (Department for International Development, 2011). This humanitarian catastrophe led to a massive response from the international community, but as more organisations lent aid, several gave little mind to analysing the capacity of the local Haitian stakeholders and government, often completely ignoring their already established plans for recovery.
The way international organisations, including NGOs, operated in Haiti leaves more questions than answers. For instance, where does authority lie in a complex disaster recovery situation? How are critical decisions regarding the recovery made, and by whom; is it formal (international agencies, donors, NGOs), local (government), or informal (community leaders, local charities). How are these forms in conflict or complementary? How might they combine effectively? Considering this, for your next 2-week Seminar, you are to analyse the sources of authority in the organisations that provided relief in Haiti and how they interacted with Haitian local authorities.
Department for International Development (2011) Haiti earthquake response: emerging evaluation lessons [Online]. ALNAP. Available from (Accessed: 13 November 2015).
Coles, J., Zhuang, J. & Yates, L. (2012) ‘Case study in disaster relief: a descriptive analysis of agency partnerships in the aftermath of the January 12th, 2010 Haitian erathquake’, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46 (1), pp. 67-77.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on sources of formal and informal authority.
Identify where authority lies in the context of a major disaster, and how does failing to recognise and work with authority cause problems?
Reflect on how your identified sources of authority played a role in cultivating these inefficiencies.
To complete this Seminar:
Initial Response
By Sunday (Day 4), in a response of approximately 300-500 words, address the following issues/questions:
Briefly summarise your selected Haiti recovery organisation and how it contributed the earthquake relief efforts.
Compare your identified sources of formal and informal authority and explain how that authority was distributed and played a role in decision making.
Analyse the sources of authority within your organisation and how these synergised or conflicted with Haiti’s local authority.
Drawing on your own experience, from the Learning Resources, or your own research, fully justify all your assumptions and claims. Cite your work using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.
By Wednesday (Day 7), post three to five responses to your colleagues by:
Proposing, and explaining, improvements to your colleagues’ selected organisation’s relief efforts
Offering constructive comments on your colleagues’ perspectives.
Offering contributions based upon your prior experience.
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas.
Modelling or promoting critical reflection from what you have read.
Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
This week, you will be graded only on your initial response to the Seminar questions and receive a formative evaluation of your Collaboration responses. Next week, you will be graded on your Collaboration responses for Weeks 6 and 7, as well as your synthesis of the Seminar topic.
Submit your initial response to the Turnitin link provided and post to the Seminar Forum.
Next week, you will continue this Seminar by examining the complexity and ambiguity of the problems facing organisations involved in responding to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 7 Seminar
Consider the roles played out in the relief efforts in Haiti and identify the range of relief agencies, including professional bodies, local, national and international agencies involved and the complex challenges they encounter in this case. You examined issues of authority and power in the previous week. This week’s Discussion around wicked social problems links back to that, but you may be further interested in interrogating how problems are defined differently from different perspectives – agency, professional, local, national, international etc.
There is no doubt that the wicked challenge of disaster relief during and after the 2010 Haiti earthquake required a robust network of collaborators with a shared vision and agreed purpose and approaches. However, as you have discussed in previous weeks, the relief effort was fraught with many challenges. The international community, as well as local and national authorities, were left wondering about the issues concerning each of them separately, resulting in chaotic scenes of blurred responsibility, uncoordinated efforts, limited information flow and communication gaps. Whereas proponents for the network approach, argue for collaboration (Head, 2008), the disaster recovery process in Haiti suggests serious difficulties in doing that.
A question lingers on: how can alternative sources of authority, legitimacy and power be mobilized to address complex and wicked challenges, which is disaster relief? How did different authorities perceive/construct the problem, and what solution does that drive?
Head, B.W. (2008) ‘Wicked problems in public policy’, Public Policy, 3 (2), pp. 101-118.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on wickedness.
Review the developmental project case study for the 2010 Haiti earthquake relief.
Consider the relationship between competition and collaboration and consider whether this case presents evidence of wickedness.
Reflect on whether competition in your identified projects led to a competitive advantage.
To complete this Seminar:
Collaboration, continued
Until Monday (Day 5), post three to five responses to your colleagues considering the following points in your discussion:
Which developmental project(s) in the 2010 Haiti earthquake recovery efforts exhibited evidence of ’wickedness’ and which factors contributed to that?
The relationships between competition and collaboration and how this influenced wickedness.
Whether competition, in your example of developmental project(s), created a competitive advantage.
Cite specific examples of evidence for wickedness using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System in all response posts.
Ensure that you spread your Seminar posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.
Individual Synthesis
By Wednesday (Day 7), post a final summary of approximately 250 words of what you have learned from this activity, including any shifts in your understanding relating to sources of authority and wickedness. Incorporate examples from the Learning Resources, your own research and/or your own experience to support your work.
Submit your summary to the Turnitin link provided and post to the Seminar Forum.
Week 7 Personal Development Portfolio
Network trends
For this final PDP submission, you will explore the network trends in today’s public, non-governmental, and/or voluntary sectors and consider how these trends will manifest themselves in your career. Do you have the skills the future may require? Can you cope with the environment and demands of complex, networked organisations? Address these questions as you complete your PDP deliverable. Also, remember that because this is your final PDP Assignment, you must also include your submissions for Week 2 and Week 4 in the same document. You are welcome to make updates to these sections as you see fit.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Research current network trends amongst networked organisations within the sector in which you work, or aim to work (public, non-governmental, or voluntary).
Reflect how these trends may impact the future of your sector, organisation and career.
Identify the skills you may require as a result of these changes.
Reflect on your level of preparedness for coping with these changes, both in terms of acquiring new skills and how you will operate in a new and changing work environment.
Review your prior PDP submissions as necessary.
To complete this Assignment:
By Wednesday (Day 7), submit an approximately 1,250-1,500-word response that addresses the following questions:
Analyse current network trends within the sector for which you work or aim to work, and how this might impact your sector, organisation and career.
·         In your analysis, describe the network trends you feel are most important and explain why.
·         Explain whether you feel equipped and empowered to cope with the impact your analysed network trends may have on your career.
·         Describe how you see yourself operating within your career field in the future and explain the skill requirements you will need.
·         Explain how you will meet these new skill demands.
Incorporate and update, as necessary, your Week 2 and Week 4 PDP submissions into the same Word document as this PDP entry. This new entry should be approximately 500 words, while the full PDP should be 1,250-1,500 words.
This Assignment should be prepared and submitted to Turnitin using the Word (.doc or .docx) format no later than midnight your local time.
Suggested Answer
For only $30, our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

Week 8 Seminar
Overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities
Over the course of the last several weeks, you have viewed organisations through the lens of mitigating the risks posed by uncertainty, complexity and wickedness. Organisational structures and practices can be designed to mitigate such risks, and can be leveraged to meet new challenges or take advantage of potential opportunities. Doing so, however, requires the stewardship of effective leaders that can adapt to an ever-changing policy landscape. With this in mind, how does one develop the most effective leadership strategies for addressing such a challenge or opportunity? For this final Seminar, consider an organisational challenge or opportunity you or your organisation has faced or may face in the future. With what you have learned throughout this module, what types of leadership would be most effective to address this challenge or opportunity?
Through your Seminar this week, you will analyse leadership characteristics while examining the challenges and opportunities presented by cross-boundary organisations. Additionally, you will submit your final Module Project, in which you will evaluate the operational effectiveness of the organisation you researched in prior Module Project submissions, and incorporating your Week 3 and Week 5 Module Project deliverables.
To prepare for this Seminar:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on leadership in cross-boundary organisations.
Select an organisational challenge or opportunity of interest to you. This may be a challenge or opportunity faced by an organisation you work for, or one that your organisation may face in the future.
Reflect on the leadership traits, skills and abilities necessary to meet your identified challenge or capitalise on your identified opportunity.
To complete this Seminar:
Initial Response
By Saturday (Day 3), in a response of approximately 300-500 words, address the following issues/questions:
·         Briefly summarise your selected organisational challenge or opportunity.
·         Analyse the leadership qualities that are likely to be effective in addressing your challenge or taking advantage of your opportunity in a cross-boundary organisation and explain why these qualities are necessary.
·         Also describe the leadership qualities that are likely to succeed in a boundary-spanning organisation.
Fully justify all your assumptions and claims using your own experience, the Learning Resources or your own research. Cite your work using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.
This week, you will receive a formative evaluation of your Initial Response to the Seminar questions and you will be graded only on your Collaboration responses.
By Wednesday (Day 7), post three to five responses to your colleagues by:
Proposing additional leadership qualities necessary for leading in cross-boundary organisations, and comparing your perspectives on leadership in these contexts
Offering constructive comments on your colleague’s posts
Offering contributions based upon your prior experience
Extending the discussion into new but relevant areas
Modelling or promoting critical reflection from what you have read
Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least 3 separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with colleagues and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.

Module Project
Crossing boundaries
Information and communication technologies have made the planet a very small place. Cultures, peoples, work practices and more intermingle on a global stage as easily as they would the same city. This globalisation is not likely to disappear either, thus the boundaries separating organisations worldwide have subsequently become thinner and their thresholds easier to cross. Despite this growing ease, being able to effectively manage teams and organisations across boundaries requires a new breed of leader; one that can diplomatically and effectively operate within a space full of cultural nuances and sensitivities. This means that the demand for cross-boundary leaders will only continue to grow. For this final Module Project submission, your focus centres upon the elements of leadership necessary to manage organisations with cross-boundary operations. Furthermore, you must analyse these leadership traits as they apply to improving the operational effectiveness of the organisation you have worked with in the prior two Module Project assignments.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review this week’s Learning Resources with a focus on leadership in cross-boundary organisations.
Review your previous Module Project submissions and your Week 2 PDP submission.
Reflect on the operational effectiveness of the cross-boundary organisation you have researched in previous Module Project submissions.
Identify the leadership qualities required to manage organisations with cross-boundary operations.
To complete this Assignment:
By Wednesday (Day 7), submit a 5,000-word paper in which you address the following:
With respect to the boundaries you identified in the Week 3 Module Project submission, evaluate the operational effectiveness of your cross-boundary organisation and explain the basis for your evaluation.
Explain what steps you would take to improve your organisation’s operational effectiveness and the leadership requirements necessary to oversee these changes.
Evaluate the value of social media as a serious research tool for this Module Project and explain under what conditions you found it to be feasible and effective. If you did not find social media to be an effective research tool, explain what conditions would have made it more feasible and effective.
Fully justify all your assumptions and claims using your own experience, the Learning Resources or your own research. Cite your work using the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.
Incorporate and update, as necessary, your Week 3 and Week 5 Module Project assignments into the same Word document as this Module Project submission.
This Assignment should be prepared and submitted to Turnitin using the Word (.doc or .docx) format no later than midnight your local time.
Suggested Answer
Our experts can help you get a new and well-researched plagiarism-free Module Project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or via WhatsApp/IMO on: 0786 752 007

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